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WELCOME TO SS HIGH!!! A stunning high school where the students come to learn, to grow, and to graduate to get the hell out. Let's meet our main characters who are about to enjoy their last day of junior year.

Knuckles Echidna

Age: 17

Best friends: Sonic, shadow, and Tails Knuckles is a tough guy with a heart of gold.

He enjoys riding in his car, hanging out with his friends, working out, and playing video games. He makes very good grades and is one of the most handsome guys in school.

Shadow Dark


Best friends: Knuckles, Amy, Cream Shadow was new to the group back in middle school and Amy was the first to make friends with him. He enjoys hanging out with his friends, riding his motorcycle, jogs, and cooks. He is a tough guy but with a good heart and has a soft spot for a certain someone. now lets begin

Shadows pov

I woke up smiling and hugged my pillow.Today is the school fun day event. Meaning a whole day of wondering through the halls where classrooms have a different activity in them. I got up and took a shower and got dressed for the day. I came downstairs and smiled seeing my mom plating my breakfast."Morning mom" I smiled kisses her cheek."Morning shadow you excited for today?" She asked and I nodded. "Yep and I think I'm going to finally ask him." I smiled. "Oh I hope he feels the same way shadow. I like him myself and you two would make a cute couple" mom smiled as I finished eating. I grabbed my bag, hugged my mom, and left the house on my motorcycle excited for today.

Yet I had no idea of what was about to happen when I get to school.

Knuckles pov

"Morning dad!" I said walking in the house after a early run. "Morning knux" he replied looking up from his newspaper. "Morning mom" I said kissing her cheek. "Morning baby" she replied handing me a bowl of oatmeal. "Excited for today?" They asked. "Yep Sonic and I are going to see who can shoot the most baskets today. Also shadow and I are gonna help Cream and Amy set up the sweets booth creams mom is running today. So I need to get ready and go." I said and shove a few spoonfuls of oatmeal in my mouth before heading up and getting dressed.I came down and grabbed my keys gave my parents a hug and kiss goodbye then walked outside. Yet as I was unlocking the car I looked up seeing Rouge in tears. "Hey rouge what's wrong?" I asked.

"There's something you need to know about shadow..."

Knuxadow High School DramaWhere stories live. Discover now