A sign

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Shadow pov

I was shaking and crying in Knuckles's arms after calling my mom's phone ten times leading straight to voicemail. Her sweet voice on the answering only makes me cry more. My mom was all the family I had left in this world and now she's gone. I could hear Locke and Lena tearfully talking in the kitchen while Tikal brought me some tea. Where was I going to go? How will I survive?! I'm already almost 18 years old now just god why did it have to be my mom?! Knuckles rubs my back and his parents walk up to us. "Shadow Locke and I talked on how we were going to move your stuff in... That is if you want to move in with us." Lena said and I nodded. "Ok we will ta-" she was interrupted by the doorbell and walks over. At least I will have a roof over my head. "OH THANK GOD!!!!" We hear Lena scream in joy. She quickly runs in dragging in... MY MOM!!! "MOM!" I jump up and hug her tightly crying. "What's going on?" She asked. "You haven't heard?" Knuckles asked sitting up and she shook her head while petting my quills in her motherly way. Locke tells her about her plane crashing and that there was no survivors. My mom gasped then held me tighter. "I missed my flight because I got the time wrong, plus my phone died and I was stuck in traffic but I had no idea.... Oh my baby I'm so sorry...." She said. "I don't care I'm just so happy that you are here and still alive..." I said.

Monday rolled around again and mom wanted me to stay home from school. She already asked Amy to pick up mine and Knuckles's school work. She left for work leaving me at the house. Then to my surprise she came home because she took a half day. She had the biggest smile on her face and had me sit down at the table. "Shadow I got some very good news" she said. "What is it?" I asked. "That crash was a sign so I already had a half day today and decided to talk to my boss. I told him I rather stay here to run this company and to my surprise he agreed. He told me I will run it as a HQ while him and a few others go to LA and I'll keep the employees here who don't want to move which was 70% of us. So he and I agreed and I start that after new years." She said. "Wait are you saying-" "We aren't moving we're staying right here" she smiles and I jump up. "THATS AWESOME!!!" I said and we hugged tightly im not moving I'm so happy. The first thing I did was call knuckles and told him the news. He was extremely happy with the news. Mom and I spend the rest of the day drinking wine and watching movies while snacking on popcorn.

I'm so happy my mom and I aren't moving and that she gotten a huge promotion.

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