The date

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Knuckles pov

I woke up to my alarm going off and a big smile formed on my face. Today I'm going on a date with shadow. I stretch and did my daily exercises before hoping in the shower and getting dressed. We're going somewhere casual that way if we run into anyone it look like we are just hanging out. I was still thinking of the make out and how I felt sparks flying. Something I never felt with anyone before. So clearly something is there between us. Shadow texts me saying he was ready and I replied saying I was on my way. My parents informed me that they will be at a company party tonight and will be staying in a hotel room where the party was held at. My sister went to stay over at her boyfriends house meaning I'll have the house to myself. My dad stuffed something in my jacket pocket before I grabbed my keys and left to pick up shadow. When I got in the car I blushed seeing what he put in my pocket. "Condoms really dad it's our first date" I growled in embarrassment. Better safe than sorry I could hear him saying that to me right now. I stuff the condoms in the middle car consul and drove off.

Shadows pov

I hugged my mom goodbye and grabbed an overnight bag just in case because knuckles mentioned heading back to his house for a movie. I was very excited when I saw his car pull up. I ran to the car just as he got out. "Dang that excited?" He chuckled and I nodded putting my bag in the back seat. "So where to first?" I asked getting in. "Well why not Skaterz?" He said and I nodded. We arrived at the roller-skating rink which recently remodeled. We got our skates on and i impressed him with some tricks. He was surprisingly good and a fast learner too. Yet he admits I'm still better making me chuckle and somehow my skates hit something making me fall. Knuckles catches me and we just looked into each other's eyes. So much for avoiding romantic acts. Lucky no one we knew was there, so we got away with it. We stopped to get something to eat at the food bar. I was having a very good time with him.

Knuckles pov

Shadows laugh was so adorable as we finished up eating. I'm having a really fun time and forgot how much I could be myself around him. With Bitch I always had to watch how I acted, ate, and dressed when we went out. I'm so fucking glad that's over. We decided to skate a little be longer before we headed to the arcade area. He kicked my ass in air hockey while I kicked his ass in ski ball. Again, we talked and laughed as the day goes by. Soon it started to get dark, and we headed to the car. He asked for a tissue as we pulled into my driveway, and I told him where to find one. I suddenly remembered what was in the consul and went to stop him, but I was too late. He pulled out the condoms and I just covered my face completely embarrassed. "Ummmm knux what do you have planned for tonight? ~" he smiled. "I'm so sorry my dad stuff those in my jacket pocket but I had no intentions using them yet..... I'm sorry shadow." I said. "Well, if you actually wanted to, I wouldn't mind skipping the movie and well...." he smiled.

"We could use them all tonight~"

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