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Knuckles POV

So shadow and I share the same classes and to make it worst we are assigned seated next to each other all fucking year so far. I was mad yet shadow just kept to himself the whole fucking time. Why is that bothering so much?! At lunch I sat with Rouge who befriended Sally, Mina, and Fiona. Scourge was there too seated next to Fiona so we talked while the girls did. I saw Sonic and Tails looking at me in disappointment before seating next to shadow, Amy, and Cream. Silver later joined them and Blaze joined us. Yet Blaze and rouge seemed a bit close but I shook it off because they both haven't seen each other in awhile. Blaze did ask me why I wasn't with sonic and I told her I wanted to sit with my girlfriend and her friends. She seemed a bit surprised but shrugged saying ok going back to her meal. I shared a class with Sonic, Tails and Cream next and was relieved not seeing shadow. Yet they didn't talk to me much but I was assigned seated next to Sonic. The last two classes i shared with Amy, Sonic and unfortunately Shadow. Once again I was seated next to him and he once again ignored me. At this point this really bothered me. When school ended shadow just left waving goodbye to everyone before driving off. Rouge wrapped her arms around me and I took her home. I returned home after and told my mom and dad about my day. Then I told them how bothered I was about shadow not talking to me at all. "You ended your friendship with him dumbass" Tikal scoffed. "T language!" Dad yelled. "I'm 20 years old dad and in college I'm aloud to cuss." She said and went upstairs. I went to my room and laid in bed looking up at the ceiling. Over the summer Rouge and I did a lot of stuff. Mostly because her mom is rich and covered a lot of our dates. Fuck I can't tell you the amount of sex we both had in Rouge's bedroom. I will say though she's...something. Don't get me wrong the sex was amazing but... it was just sex.... nothing more. Am I starting to have doubts and regret dating her? I shook my head and decided to take a nap before dinner.

Lips were soft against mine. Hands caressed my body hitting pinpoints that make me moan. The soft lips go to my neck and the wet muscles peaked out to touch my skin. My body wanted more and I begged for it as the wet muscle licked under my jawline. I felt my shirt being ripped off as the soft lips touch mine once more and the wet muscles wedged between my lips to play with my tongue. Lips parted as a sting of drool connects our lips. Yet instead of looking into blue eyes I saw red eyes. It was shadow. I bolted up feeling my heart pounding against my chest like POUNDING. I thought my heart was about to jump out of my chest.

Why the fuck was I fucking dreaming of shadow?!

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