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Knuckles pov

I woke up slowly feeling a cold towel on my forehead and saw my dad reaching for a mug and took a sip. "Dad..." I said in a groggy tone. "Boy you are stubborn like me" he said shaking his head. "What happened?" I asked and felt like I was about to vomit. Dad held a bucket and I threw up last nights dinner and the toast I had. "You passed out at lunch gave everyone a scare which was bad timing since it's Halloween. The teachers thought it was some prank but you weren't waking up and your fever was over the roof. We just got you home 20 mins ago from the hospital after your mom had you discharged." Dad said setting the bucket down. "To be honest I'm very surprised you got a very bad case of the flu" dad said I was shocked. "Doctors say you need to be bedridden for two weeks" "TWO WEEKS?! But I won't be eligible for prom!!!" I yelled and groaned laying back down regretting it. Dad chuckles shaking his head but cleared his throat. "The school won't count this against you. Shadow will be bringing your school work to you and lessons everyday. Sonic is also giving him the assignments and lessons to him as well from the one class." He explained and I sighed. "Great my first Halloween with shadow and I'm sick...." I groaned. "Technically you went to the festival with me so I count that as a good first halloween." I looked seeing shadow standing there with my book bag with my assignments and a thermos. "Right on time shadow I'll leave you boys alone." My dad smiled. Shadow placed my bag on the floor at the end of my bed and sat down. "Why did you lie to us I mean I knew you were sick but not that sick...." He said and opened the thermos. I could tell he was mad but worried at the same time. "I just wanted to spend time with you on Halloween..... plus you know I'm stubborn... Especially if I have hardly ever gotten sick...." I looked down. "Well knuckles be happy I drove today because honestly as sick as you are I don't know what I would've done if you got into a crash...." Shadow looks down. "And you're right.... I'm sorry Shadz.." I said. "Just don't do it again. Besides I like to take care of you." Shadow chuckled and poured something that smelled delicious in the thermos mug. "It's something I whipped up for you this was my dad's recipe when I had the flu" shadow said. I looked at the milky smooth liquid and took a sip. As heavy as it looked it was creamy and light with chopped up noodles. "This is amazing. What is it?" "Well it's a vegetarian broth my dad learned when he met with a old friend of his who used it for a breakfast ramen dish." (Yes I made a Food Wars reference so sue me ;-p) "it's really good you're a really good cook" I smiled and he blushed. "Thanks..." he smiled. "Wanna work on our assignments?" I asked. "Yeah" he smiled.

Shadow pov

I walked in the house smiling and was getting ready to head to bed when I heard my mom crying. "Mom?" I walked in. "Shadow I didn't hear you come in..." she wipes her tears. "What's wrong?" I asked and sat down. "Nothing honey.... It's just that..... I found a picture of me and your father on the night we met and I'm just missing him.... We met on Halloween at a party ya know..." she smiled tears still falling. I looked at the picture in her hand and saw her and my dad on opposite side of the group but wore the same Walker Texas ranger costume. Moms fake beard was kinda funny. "I'm guessing that's how you started talking?" "Yes.... I had no idea it would lead to a happy life and a wonderful son." She said but there was something else. "Mom?" "Shadow.... After new years....." she teared up and I saw what she was about to tell me was about to crush me.

"My job is relocating us.... we are moving to LA....."

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