Hospital visits

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Shadow pov

We entered the hospital and both were hugged by sonic and Amy. "How are they?" We asked. "Better now tails was lucky sally was a bad aim." Amy said. "Where's cream?" I asked. "With Fiona and scourge who got shot in the leg." Sonic said. "Can we see them?" Knuckles said. "Of course!" They said and we followed them down the bright hallway. We enter a dim room with the show America funniest home videos playing on the tv and heard tails laughing with another male and female. "Guys we got more visitors." Sonic said and we walked in. "We just heard....." we said tearing up. We hugged them and they asked us why we didn't go to prom when we said we would. "Well after homecoming and my mom I just wanted to skip it since last year was boring." I said. "Fair enough and good thing too" scourge said then he smirked. "Sooooo what did you two wound up doing on prom night?~" he purred making us blush. "We went to that new horror movie then back to my house" knuckles said after clearing his throat. "Suuuuuuure~" our friends said and sonic winked making us roll our eyes. "Is there something else you two?" Cream asked knowing something but we didn't want to tell them yet not while they are recovering. "Well yes but we can wait until you two are bet—" "Nope we wanna know now" Tails interrupts me. Knuckles and I looked at each other blushing. We both smile then told them at the same time.

"We're getting married."

Hey y'all I know this is a short chapter but we're coming to the end! Thank you guys for reading and to the ones who read this before it was deleted! See you next chapter!

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