Her threat

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Shadow pov

I kiss knuckles before we head to our separate classes. I was writing down the homework assignments in my planner when I heard them come in. I continue to ignore until my planner was yanked off my desk. I looked up and saw Rouge holding in. "Give that back Rouge" I said. She slams it down and looks me dead in the eyes. "Listen here Shadow this isn't over. Once I fucking find a way to split you both up once and for all prepare yourself because you and knuckles will be going through hell" she said and picks my planner back up before ripping it in half. She drops it and snickers as she walks to her desk while her posse laughs as well.

Knuckles POV

I waited for shadow at the water fountain looking through my textbook for the assignment next class. "Hey...." I looked up seeing shadow but I could tell something was wrong. "Shadow...." I asked and he hugs me making me drop my book. "Please don't ever leave..." he said and I hugged him back. "I won't go anywhere Shadz.... What's wrong?" I asked him and he told me. I was furious and wanted to beat the shit out of Rouge and her posse.

Well I'm not going to let her get away with it.

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