Fuck me

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Shadow pov

Knuckles body felt so warm and I really didn't want to get out of bed. His parents left for a business trip and asked my mom if knuckles could stay with us. Of course she said yes and I was extremely happy. It was what I needed after Rouge's threat. I needed him right now for some reason. I shifted my body and rubbed my ass against his crotch area. He stirs a bit and I felt his member getting hard. "Shadow what are you doing?" He groaned half asleep. "Tempting you~" I whisper and felt his arm around my waist pulling me closer. "Wouldn't your mom be mad?" "Nope now please fuck me~" I purred. He rolled his eyes and we went at it. Lucky for us mom wasn't home since she was at church because I think she would've called the cops the way I was screaming~ 

Monday morning came and I smiled seeing knuckles laying next to me again. I really do love this. Maybe if our parents are ok with it we could get married after high school. God I'm a hopeless romantic.... "Morning Shadz" he smiled. "Morning... I don't want to go to school I want to stay in bed with you all day...." I groaned and nuzzles into his chest. "I know me too but we got to go to school babe" he said kissing my head before getting up. He walks in to the bathroom and I heard the shower running. I went in to brush my teeth and we switched out once we were done. He brushed his teeth while I showered and once we were done with that we got dressed for school. Mom smiled when we got into the kitchen and put down two plates of eggs, toast and a bowl of maple oatmeal. "Thank you Mari" knuckles smiled. "Yeah thanks mom" I said. "You're welcome boys. So homecoming is coming up are you two planning on attending?" She asked. "To be honest homecoming isn't my thing I do look forward to prom tho" knuckles said before taking a bite of the eggs. "Same here mom besides last years homecoming wasn't great" I said. "My point exactly" knuckles replied and we chuckle. "Well what do you two have planned then?" She asked a bit disappointed but understood. "Probably just hang out" we both said making her smile. "Ok then" she said and looks at the time. "I'm heading out see you boys later ok? And knuckles call your mom and dad ok?" "Yes ma'am" he smiled. Mom leaves and we finish up our food before washing the dishes and head to knuckles car.

Once we arrived the school was talking about the homecoming king and queen nominees this year. Not that we cared. We walked up to our friends and to our surprise Blaze and Silver told us they started dating. We are actually happy for them. Turns out they started dating two weeks after knuckles and rouge broke up so about a month and half. The girls talked about what they were going to wear for the dance while we smile and talk to the guys. "So guys what are you going to wear?" Amy asked and we told them we weren't going. "Why not?" They said. "We just don't want to go besides we plan on hanging out" knuckles said. "What about Prom?" Cream asked. "Oh we're definitely going to that just not homecoming." I said. "Ok" they all said. The speaker comes in and everyone got quiet. "All right students before you head to your first class here are your Homecoming king and queen nominees." The principal said and cleared his throat."Your homecoming queen nominees are, Rouge Batton, Sally Acorn, Mina Mongoose, and Blaze Cat" "Wait what?!" Blaze said shocked and confused. "Your homecoming kings nominees are Scourge Green, Jet Hawk, Brad Lynx, and Shadow Dark. Congratulations nominees!!!" The principal hangs up the announcement mic and I was frozen. "WHAT?!" I yelled in shock I don't even remember putting my name in the ballot how the fuck did this happen?! "Shadow?" Knuckles said and he saw the confusion in my eyes. "Guess we're going to homecoming...." He said. I growled and was super pissed.

"Fuck me......"

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