A night to remember~

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Narrative pov

Knuckles lays in his bed looking up at the ceiling while shadow laid next to him asleep. Spring break is almost over and his parents have left to visit his grandparents that aren't to happy that he's dating a man. So his parents are going to try to convince them that hes happy being who he is. Besides it's shadows 18th birthday today and shadows mom had thrown him a party which was a lot of fun. He looks at shadow still sleeping and shuffles his body to face his sleeping boyfriend. Knuckles caressed the sleeping ebony hedgehogs face and kiss his nose. "I love you Shadz" he whispered and shadow smiled. "I love you too" shadow said opening his eyes. Deep in the echidna's heart as he looked into shadows eyes he knew.... "Shadow.... Marry me" he said. Shadows eyes widen at what he asked and saw he meant it making his heart pound. "Yes" he said then they kiss deeply and knuckles rolls on top. Shadow glides his hand up knuckles back and grips his shoulders as the echidna slides in. Tongues play and shadows mouth vibrates them as knuckles moves his hips pushing his body closer to shadows. Shadow breaks the kiss and nuzzles into knuckles neck. Knuckles moves his hips faster thrusting deeper into shadow who moans on that sweet spot on his neck. This drove Knuckles crazy and made him go faster to the point the bed started creaking loudly. Shadows eyes rolled back as his nails dig into knuckles shoulders when the movement increased. He was choking on his moans once that ball of nerves was getting hit roughly but in a very pleasing way. Out of all the times they had sex this time...it felt more... closer. They felt their bodies becoming one and it was more than just puppy love but actually grown up love. Was this what their parents had always said about the difference between sex and making love? It was because they felt their hearts and bodies become one as the night went on. That sudden rush of ecstasy as they both reach their climax felt more shocking and pleasant than the previous times. Knuckles kissed shadow's forehead and then his lips before going one more round.

It was definitely a night to remember.

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