You two...

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Shadows pov

"Ok so since knuckles knows Rouge lied, we need to get them to talk" Amy said. "I agree but how?" Tails asked. "What if we pushed them in the janitors closet and make them talk." Sonic suggested. "Not a bad idea" Blaze smirked. "Or you guys can turn around?" They jump hearing my voice. "Oh hey shadow and knuckles!" Cream clapped. "We got good friends" knuckles smirked and I chuckled. "I'm guessing you two made up?" Silver asked and we nodded. "Thank god!" They all said making us jump back. "Well anyways how did you two ma-" "YOU TWO!!!!" We turn seeing Rouge storming up to us. "Back off Rouge" Knuckles growled. "No, I fucking won't until you two explain this!" She pulls out her phone and shows a picture making us freeze. "What were two doing in the background here Hm? On a date?" She smirked like it's a threat. "That's exactly what it looks like because we were" knuckles spoke up and her face dropped the smirk. Knuckles grabbed my hand and yanked me closer placing his lips on mine. "Wow bitch that threat backfired" I heard sonic snickering. We break our kiss and smile. "Oh, this isn't over you two.... you better watch your back." she hissed and storms off as sonic burst out laughs. "So, you two mind telling us how this happened?" Amy smiled. Knuckles and I smiled holding hands as we walked into the school telling them about our talk Friday and our date on Saturday. We didn't tell them about the sex. Class starts and knuckles and I stayed focused on our work getting everything done. Apparently, the drama outside spread throughout the school so everyone knows knux and I are dating now. I could tell the teachers were concerned about us not focusing on our work because of they knew yet we prove them wrong. By lunch we were laughing and enjoying our food with our friends ignoring the death glares of rouge and her posse. I was extremely happy and thought this year was going to be good after all.

At least that's what I'd hoped.

Knuxadow High School DramaWhere stories live. Discover now