Cheater cheater

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Knuckles POV

How fucking dare he! Coming to my house and accuse rouge of cheating on me with no proof! I started walking to my room when my mom stopped me. "Hey knuckles a little heads up Shadow is coming to talk things out with you." She smiled and I rolled my eyes. "A little late notice there mom he was just here and accused Rouge of cheating without proof." I growled and walked into my room. "I'm sorry she did what?!" Mom yelled storming in. "Nothing mom because there wasn't no proof. Now get out of my room!" I yelled. "Well you still ask her because as long as you've known shadow he doesn't lie about shit like that" she snapped at me and slams my bedroom door. I yell into my pillow out of frustration before turning over and just looking up at my ceiling. I'm feeling so confused now.

Shadow POV

I storm into the house fuming and went to my room. I didn't notice my mom was home and she knocks on my door. "Shadow baby?" She said gently as she opened the door. I was holding the pillow on my face telling her to please go away. Yet she sat on my bed and rubbed my back in a comforting way. "Shadow what's wrong? I'm guessing the talk didn't go well?" She asked and I sat up to face her. I hugged my knees and told her what I saw, and knuckles didn't believe me. "Oh sweetie...." She put her hand on mine. "Don't worry baby he'll find out soon and maybe you two could try to talk again" she smiled, and I nodded. "Thanks mom...." I smiled. She kisses my forehead before leaving my room. I change into my sleep wear and lay back down to sleep.

Knuckles POV

I didn't bother saying anything to mom when I walked in the kitchen this morning and just took an apple from the bowl. I grabbed my school bag and headed for the door when my dad stopped me. "What dad" I said, and he crossed his arms. "Mind telling me why you're giving us the silent treatment son?" He asked. "It's nothing dad...." I said and walked out. Once I got to school, I decided to go to class to get my locker number. As I was walking past the known "make out hallway" I noticed Rouge's wing and Blaze's tail. I walked closer and heard them talking and something told me to listen in. I stayed behind the wall and heard Rouge laughing. "Rouge you can't do that.... honestly this is wrong anyways" Blaze said with some regret in her voice. "Relax kitty im just happy I have you and get to torment shadow as well." "What about knuckles Rouge? Doesn't his heart matter?" Blaze asked. "Fuck the red boy's heart I'm succeeding getting shadow back." Rouge scoffed. "I mean hacking his phone to make all the texts he "sent" was part one. Now I take the person I know he was in love with. I'm planning on dumping the red idiot at homecoming and humiliate him. Who knows it might drive him to kill himself." She laughs and I felt tears form. Shadow was innocent this whole fucking time and I have been a horrible friend to him. Plus, he was right about Rouge cheating on me with Blaze. God I'm such an idiot. My heartbreak turned into anger, and I walked out of my hiding spot. "Knuckie!" She smiled pretending like nothing was wrong and goes to hug me. I backed up and she seemed confused. "I should've never listened to you. You two timing, lying, self-center whore!" I yelled and her eyes widen. "Also don't give me excuses I heard everything you said Rouge we are done!" I said and stormed off. "Knuckles wait it-" "Save it you fucking cheating ass bitch!" I yelled and went to my classroom. I had to talk to Shadow and tell him I'm sorry for everything. When class started, he wasn't here. I found out he was out sick, so I decided to drop by his house after school. When lunch came i decided to sit alone because I know I pissed off Sonic and Tails. I didn't want to sit with rouge and her snobby friends ether. "Why are you over here by yourself knux?" I looked up seeing Amy and Cream, so I told them. "Come sit with us or we will have to sit with you" cream said and I grabbed my tray. Sonic and tails were surprised seeing me. I told them what happened, and they were shocked. "Mind if I join you guys?" We looked up seeing Blaze and I wasn't happy. "Knuckles I swear I had no idea she did all that or planned to humiliate you. I regret being with her behind your back and I dumped her after you walked away." She said and I sighed. On a way Blaze was played by rouge too. "It's ok Blaze" I said. "Well sit down Blaze" silver smiled and she blushed taking her seat. We all talked, and I could feel rouges eyes burning into my skull the whole time. After lunch I went to the teachers to gather some assignments from shadow and I's classes giving me the perfect excuse to come over. Luckily, it's Friday so maybe I could spend some time with him.

Once school was over, I drove over to his house.

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