I'm sorry....

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Knuckles POV

I sat in the driveway for what felt like hours trying to work up the nerve to knock on the door. I was such an ass to shadow and wouldn't blame him if he never wanted to see me. I jumped when someone tapped on my window and saw it was Marine shadow's mom. I rolled the window down and smiled. "Well, this is a surprise knuckles what brings you here?" She spoke. "Ummmm I wanted to talk to shadow.... If that's ok..." "OF COURSE!" She exclaimed. "Come in" she said walking to the door. I gulped and grabbed the assignments before following her into the house. I looked around the dark but elegant decor as she stirs a pot of chicken broth soup she made for shadow before work. "He's upstairs come with me" she said after pouring some soup in a bowl and I do. She approached his bedroom door and knocked on it. "Shadow baby I'm home and you have a visitor" she said opening the door. I watch her set the bowl down and feel his forehead. "Guess your all better huh?" She smiled and Shadow nods getting up. He froze when he saw me. "What is he doing here?" He said in an angry tone. "He came to talk and also brought your assignments" she said and left the room. Shadow grabbed the bowl a sipped on the semi salty broth before downing it quickly and turned his back to me. "I deserve that..." I thought as I walked over and sat on his bed. "I'm sorry...... You were right the whole time... I been the most horrible friend to you.... Rouge tricked me.... She hacked your phone to send those messages.... she was cheating on me with Blaze.... I should've listened to you. I don't blame you if you never want to talk to me again......" I spoke. "Anyways I'll just get out of your fur.... I hope you feel better Shadz...."I finished and go to get up, but I felt his hand grab my arm. I sat back down, and he sat up. Then his lips touched mine and I was shocked, but I loved it and kissed back.

Shadows POV

I'll be honest I faked being sick because I was still angry at Knuckles, Rouge and Blaze. So, I decided to fake being sick to calm myself, so I don't do something stupid. Later on, when mom came home, she brought me some broth and told me I had a visitor. To my shock it was knuckles. Mom said he wanted to talk but frankly I wasn't in the mood. Once she left I quickly down the soup and turned my back to him. He still walked up to my bed and sat down. He apologized and told me everything he found out, how he was a horrible friend to me, how he wished he'd listen to me..... my heart raced because he was here, and I knew he meant everything because he called me Shadz. I felt him getting up and I couldn't let him leave especially since I could finally tell him. I grabbed his arm and stupidly kissed him. When he kissed back, I was over the moon. I felt my back laying on the mattress as his body was towering over me. Our tongues started to play a bit before he sat back. "Oh, shoot your sick I'm sor-" "I faked being sick now come here" I said smiling at him.

I yanked his long red dreads bringing him back down to continue making out.

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