Fall out

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Shadows POV

I arrived at school looking forward to finally ask him out. I saw Amy and decided to go talk to her. "Hey Ames" I said. "Hey Shadow! You excited for today?!" She squeaked. "Yep hopefully your plan to have me-" "SHADOW!!!" We both turned around and I saw knuckles storming up to me. "Knux what's-" "You been bulling Rouge?!" He said and my heart sank. Sure Rouge and I are enemies but I haven't spoken to her since 8th grade because she went to a different high school. "I'm sorry what?! She doesn't even go here! How could I?!" I yelled in disbelief. He pulled out his phone with screen shots of my cellphone number messaging rouge some pretty explicit things. I was so confused because I don't even know how that was possible. "I SWEAR THAT WASNT ME!" I protested. "That's your number right?" He growled and I regrettably nodded. "Don't fucking talk to me ever again. I don't condone this behavior!" He said and stormed pasted me. My heart completely shattered and I started to cry. Amy hugs me knowing I was extremely hurt. Of all days he had to end our friendship it was the day I hope he would become my boyfriend.

Knuckles POV

I felt sick to my stomach when rouge showed me the texts and my blood also boiled. At first I didn't believe her because her and shadow are enemies because her father scammed his dad. That scam lead to his untimely death by freshman year. Rouges dad went to jail when he got ratted out. Rouge thought it was shadow but in reality it was her dad's partner/mistress. Her mom got full custody of rouge and that's why she moved to a different school. I kinda felt sorry for her at the time. But there it was the evidence of shadow saying some explicit things. I believe her now and I was so pissed off that shadow had done this. I told Rouge I'll call her later and left for school. She sent me screenshots to my phone because I was going to confront shadow. Once I saw shadow I stormed up to him. The fact he tried to deny it even with proof just made me more upset. I ended our friendship which hurt a lot because I was actually starting to develop feelings for him. I think I dodge a bullet now seeing he was a bully. I called rouge liked I promised and asked if she wanted to hangout tomorrow. I texted my parents letting them know and they said ok. I saw Sonic and and Tails walk up and the three of us went to start playing at some of the game booths.

Shadows POV

I decided to go home and was allowed to since it was the last day of school. My mom was at work but I let her know what had happened. She was sad that this happened and said she'll bring me my favorite things home and we were gonna have a good day. I wonder what she meant and she surprised me by lunch saying she took the rest of the day off to help my broken heart. I love my mom she always made me feel better. We put on face masks, open up some wine (yes my mom lets me drink with her every now and then since I turned 16), we turned on the tv to watch stupid romantic comedy movies, and snacked on gummy worms and popcorn. We laughed and talked ignoring the movie. My mom knows I'm gay. When I told my parents four years ago I was gay they were very accepting and supportive. Hell even took me to my first pride festival where I found out knuckles was bisexual and that was his first pride festival too. He came out to his parents the year before me but it was after the festival that year. I like his parents they're super nice. Sometimes I think my mom already knew my sexuality because she never questioned some of the stuff straight boys do. Like checking out girls in public for example. When we lost dad months after my first pride festival mom was a mess and so was I. Knuckles and his family lived a bit closer to us at the time and helped us out. During that time is when I fell in love with knuckles. He maybe be this tough strong guy but he has a heart of gold. Now...... I lost him as my friend all because of that bitch.... Maybe next year things will be different.

I had no idea how different things were going to be next year.

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