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Well apparently after homecoming Rouge and her posse stayed away from me and knuckles. They did get mad when scourge and Fiona started eating lunch with us but we don't care. Now the Halloween dance is coming up and this time knuckles and I are not going. We made plans to go to a haunted house and Halloween festival at his grandpa's hometown which was on Angel Island. I was excited and couldn't wait. I was in a simple costume which was a devil. I had horns on a headband, long red pointed tail, black jeans, black boots and a dark red long sleeve shirt since it was cold. I did wear my black hooded jacket as well. The door knocks and looked out the window seeing knuckles car. "I got it mom!" I said and opened the door. Knuckles stood there in all black, with fake fang marks on his neck, black eyeliner, face a bit paler and black bands around his dreads. "Vampire?" I smiled and he smirked. "Devil?" He replied and we laughed. "Let me get a picture!" Mom said and I groan. She takes a couple and we leave. "I love your mom" he said as we drove off. We arrived at an enclosed sky lift for cars and we rode up.

The town was decorated and busy with Halloween theme booths and people dressed up. Knuckles brings me over to his grandfather's booth to introduce me. His grandfather loved me and invited us back up with my mom for thanksgiving. We played a few games before heading to the haunted house and I actually got spooked and jumped into his arms. He laughed and put me down after carrying me for a few minutes. After that we went back to a kettle corn booth to get some kettle corn. I had such an amazing time and couldn't wait to tell the gang on Monday. Plus I get to wear my costume again since Monday is Halloween. But I had no idea what was about to happen on monday

Knuckles pov

Monday rolled around and I get up feeling like shit. Yet I wanted to go to school so I forced myself up and took a shower to wake up. After I dried off my face looked very pale. Yet I had to put on the vampire makeup to hide it. Frankly I looked great and got dressed. I walked downstairs and tried not to gag at the smell of food I usually find good. "Knuckles baby are you ok?" Mom asked. "Yeah just I might've stayed up later than I should've playing games." I said and my dad raised his brow. "Don't lie to us boy" he said and I sighed. "I'm ok really just tired." I said and smiled taking a piece of toast. We hear the door knock and I knew it was shadow. "Well there's Shadz see you guys!" I quickly went to the door. Man was that a mistake because once I gave shadow a kiss on his cheek and got in his car it was like the wind was knocked out of me. "Knux are you ok?" Shadow asked. "Yeah just tired" I smiled and I could tell he knew I was lying but knew not to argue with me when I'm sorta like this. "Ooooook if you say so" he said coldy making me feel bad for lying about my health. Once we got to school I immediately regretted coming and lying because by lunch I felt my legs start to become heavy but I made it to the table. "Knuckles are you good?" Sonic asked walking up with scourge with their trays both dressed like pirates. "I'm fine ok?" Why am I so fucking stubborn?! Amy quickly placed her jeweled hand on my head as the charms on her gypsy scarf of her costume cling together. "Knux you're burning up we need to get you to the nurse" she said and shadow went to get up. "No I'm ok just need to take off this long sleeve shirt." I smiled and pulled the shirt off with my black short sleeve underneath. I could tell Blaze and Silver who wore matching Harry Potter costumes, Cream as a Zombie and Fiona as a killer queen (wanted to wear her crown again) all didn't believe me. Tails who was dressed as a zombie too quickly grabbed my long sleeve shirt and saw the white make up was wiped off. "You're sick knuckles" he said and Amy felt my head again. "Yeah we need to take you to the nurse. "I said I'm fine!" I stood up pissed off but suddenly I was hit with lightheadedness and felt extremely dizzy. I heard shadow yell my name and his arm on me while something cold was going across my body. Amy told sonic to get the teacher and I felt the gush of wind from his speed. My vision was blurry and I just felt so weak. The last thing I heard before my eyes closed the teachers telling students to stand back while the nurse asked me something.

I couldn't stay awake to know what.

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