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My heart sank to the bottom of my chest and I just couldn't believe what I was hearing. "WHY ARE WE MOVING?!?!" I demanded. I can't leave I just can't knuckles and I planned on going to prom! Graduation after party! Why is this happening I don't want to go! "They gotten a deal that will be worth millions and double our pay and better benefits" she said and I could tell she didn't want to leave either. "I'll be flying out this weekend to close out the house I just bought for us. I did call Locke and he said you're free to stay if you wanted to spend time with your friends and knuckles. To well break the news...." She said and her phone rings. I just bolted to my room in tears while she answered the phone. Ince in my room I went ahead and tossed clothes and other shit in my duffel bag. I can't believe this is happening...why now during the last year of school... I just got with knuckles.... how are we going to make this work? My mind was spinning trying to figure it out and what will happen to my friends as well. I just want to scream to my mom's bosses for ruining our for ruining our lives. My phone rings and I see Sonic's caller ID but ignored it and just tossed it and my bag away from me. I laid down on my bed and cried into my pillow before finally falling asleep. School started once more and I was asked by my friends what was wrong. They were saddened when I told them about the move and I just don't know how I was going to tell knuckles.... "Oh shadow we don't want you to move..." Cream said with tears. "That's so uncool can't your mom-" "I don't think so sonic..." I said and walked away to get to class. I was having a hard time focusing on the lessons but had to force myself to since I had to bring knuckles school work to him. The last class my teacher Mr. Benson asked me to stay after which I did. "Shadow are you okay?" He asked looking up at me with those old cat eyes. I shook my head and told him and he nods. "Well if you need anything just me know" he smiled and I nodded before he gave me knuckles school work and I left. I stood at knuckles bedroom door for a while because I didn't know how to tell him the news. "You just gonna stalk my brothers door?" Tikal said walking up. "I just need to gather myself about... the move." I said. "He knows shadow he heard our dad talking to your mom.... Poor thing cried himself to sleep last night." She crossed her arms and I nodded. She walks away downstairs while I took a deep breath and opened the door. Knuckles looks up at me with sadness in his eyes and I tear up. I put his work on the nightstand and we just cuddled and cried. His mom walks passed his room and I could feel her heartbreak for us. I don't remember the rest of the week but I was happy to spend a few days at Knuckles's house while mom goes to close out on the house. Mom gave me her flight number and times before giving me a kiss on my forehead and left. Knuckles was feeling a bit better, so his parents allowed him on the couch to watch our favorite show with me. I was helping knuckles mom with the dishes after dinner when the breaking news came on about a plane crash with no survivors. I didn't think much of it until they said the flight number. I dropped the plate and glass that was in my hand causing it to break on the floor. My heart just stopped, and tears start forming in my eyes. I could see knuckles and his family looking at me and asking me what was wrong.

The plane on the news was the one my mom was on.

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