Homecoming Meltdown

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Shadows pov

Friday came and I was dreading for tomorrow. This whole week I was on edge because not once did rouge and her posse say anything to me. I could tell knuckles was on edge too. As we walked to his car after school I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw Scourge and Fiona. "What do you two want?" I growled. "To warn you about tomorrow." He said. "What do you mean?" "Rouge is planning on humiliating you and blaze tomorrow by switching the votes." Fiona said with guilt in her eyes. "So why not tell the teachers?" "We tried but her mom bought their silence.." Scourge growled. "Why are you telling us this?" Knuckles asked. "Easy because Fiona was a nominee but Rouge switched the name." "What about me?" I asked. "Sonic was a nominee" they both said and it made sense. "Look if you come just don't get on stage shadow we already warned Blaze." Scourge said and in knuckles eyes I saw he knew Scourge was telling the truth. "Fine we believe you" knuckles crossed his arms. They nod and walked away to scourges new corvette and drove off. "I think we should go" knuckles said. "What knuckles the-" he puts his finger in my lips. "I think it's time for a little payback" he smirked and it scared me..... I love it.

Knuckles pov

We met up with the gang and told them what scourge and Fiona informed us. Blaze confirmed it so it was true. We decided to call scourge and he told us what rouge had planned. It was a video that was going to play of Blaze when she got drunk at a party over the summer that Fiona took but never posted it. Rouge found the video and stole it. She thought she could use it to humiliate Blaze for dumping her. Shadow was going to have his crown be laced with scorpion venom which he was deathly allergic too. I was furious she would stoop this low. We used this to our advantage and came up with a counter plan.

Saturday night

"Mom that's enough pictures" shadow said making me laugh. "Sorry it's just that your senior homecoming! Plus I need to send pictures to knuckles parents" she said and took some more of us. We finally left the house and I picked up silver and Blaze. Sonic, Amy tails and cream arrived early since Amy was the planner. Amy smirked when she crossed out Blazes name and put Fiona's on the ballots except for three that were given to Rouge, Sally and Mina. She also put a decoy box where the original ballots would be while the real ballots where locked in her locker. He took the video of Blaze and deleted it. Sonic saw Sally place the venom on the crown sponge and once she was out of site he switch the crowns. Everything was going accordingly. I informed shadow everything was going to be ok and we head into the school gym where the dance was held. We actually had a lot of fun and glad we came. Maybe snuck off and made out in the make out hallway a few times too. When it came close to the time of the crowning we saw Mina go on the computer while rouge went to the decoy box. Cream and Amy went to Amy's locker and got the real ballot box as rouge switch the ballots in the decoy. Once she was gone Amy and cream swapped the boxes. They double checked and confirmed they we're placing the right boxes. They joined us just as the teachers went to count the ballots. Rouge smiled wickedly crossing her arms as the principal walks up to the mic. "Ok everyone it's time to announce this years homecoming king and queen!" He smiled and opens the envelopes. "And they are Scourge Green and Fiona Fox!!!" He announced and everyone cheered. Rouge, Mina, and Sally's jaws dropped making us laugh. Mina went to the computer and clicked the link that was labeled 'Blazedrunkbitch' but instead of the video it was Scourge and Fiona's favorite Britney Spears song. Rouge screamed and had a meltdown before storming out of the gym. The two thank us and we thank them for the warning. We had a good night the rest of the evening.

And pretty much made peace and friends with Scourge and Fiona

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