They're Dating?!

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Shadow pov

Summer was finally over and senior year is about to begin. Knuckles really meant what he said because I haven't heard from him at all. Sonic did tell me he started dating someone yet he didn't know who. My heart shattered but whatever he's not my friend anymore yet... I still love him. Personally I think rouge could've somehow tricked him yet I don't have proof. My alarm goes off on the first day of senior year and I was dreading it for once. I walk downstairs after getting ready and I heard my mom talking to someone. I peaked in the kitchen to see and was surprised to see a red female echidna in a black blouse, grey dress pants, black heals, and a nice tribal beaded necklace. Her long red hair was pulled back in a half up half down style and curled. It was knuckles mother Lena. What in the world is she doing here? "Oh Shadow good morning I made you some fried egg n toast sandwiches for breakfast." Mom smiled and Lena turned smiling at me too. "It's been awhile shadow how have you been?" She asked in a genuine friendly tone. "I'm ok.... I guess..... Ummm how's knux.." Iasked. "He's good as far as I know." She said as I sat down yet I could see some anger in her eyes. "Are you mad at me..." I asked and her eyes went from anger to calm. "Oh no shadow not at you at knuckles." She said and I was surprised. "Why?" I asked. "Shadow stop being nosy" mom said sternly. "It's ok Mari. I'm mad at him because he ended your friendship and started dating that horrible girl." She said and I was confused. "What girl?" I asked taking a sip of my apple juice. "That bat girl Rouge" she said and I spit out my drink before coughing a bit. "THEYRE DATING?!?!" My mother and I yelled in complete shock. "Yes a week after they hung out. I was hoping it be a quick summer romance but she's transferring to you school this year and he was happy about it.... I don't even like her. She's self center, snobby, and her mother is UGH! I can't stand her!" Lena crossed her arms yet my heart sank to my feet. Knuckles and Rouge are dating... what the hell is he thinking?! "Of all people.... Why her..." My mom looked down shaking her head in disgust before looking at the clock. "Oh shit shadow you need to get going to school you'll be late!" She said and I shook off the shock before running out of the house. I got in my car and drove off with tears falling from my eyes. Once I arrived at the school i see tails giving cream a piggyback ride smiling and laughing while sonic kisses Amy's cheek. I see sliver walking up and the four greet him since last year he was sent to some finishing school the last two months of junior year. His parents are fuck you rich so yeah he had to go. Blaze also walked up after spending the last year on a home school at sea with her family so the gang is back.... well almost. Amy sees me and waves me over so I approach them. "Hey how was your summer?" Tails asked. I just shrugged looking down. "What's wrong?" Silver asked. "Knuckles and I had a fallout on the last day...... He ended our friendship." I said and the others confirmed it. "What? Over what?" Blaze asked. "I apparently was bullying rouge and he didn't like it so yeah....." "I'm sorry she doesn't even go to this sch-" "We know" Sonic, Tails, Amy and Cream said. "Well I supposedly texted her explicit shit and it was screen shot.... I honestly don't know how that happened." I looked down and Blaze walks away so I knew she didn't believe me. "Ether way we all accept knuckles and apparently Blaze too personally don't believe it yet we're staying neutral because innocent until proven guilty" Sonic said and I felt better knowing that they didn't believe the bullshit. "By the way they're dating.... Knuckles and Rouge." I said. "WHAT?!" They all yelled and were very shocked. "Ok seriously?! Wow now that has to be the most knuckleheaded fucking bullshit he could have done." Sonic growled. "Yeah." I said and walked into the school.

Knuckles pov

Rouge and I pulled into a parking spot at the school and kissed before getting out. I see my friends talking and walked up with rouge holding her hand. "Hey guys" I smiled and they looked at me then my hand holding rouges before looking back up at me. "Wow dude" sonic said crossing his arms. "What?" "Of all fucking people to date." He sneered at Rouge making me mad. First my parents and sister now him?! "Ok sonic I'm-" He cut me off holding up his hand. "I dont want to hear it dude. I just wish the best come on guys let's get our schedules" he said as they all started to walk away. Sonic and tails turn their heads back at me before shaking them and put their arms around their girlfriends. "Well you were right.... They didn't take it well...." I said to Rouge and she kisses my cheek. "It's ok baby let's just go get our class schedules." She smiled and we walked in. I walked into my first class and to my disappointment the only seat left was next to Shadow. "Just fucking great" I thought and took my seat. He looked at me but went back to his book not saying a damn thing to me. I thought it wouldn't bother me but it did....

The teacher walked in and introduced herself before starting her lesson.

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