I'll be safe in your hands (SHORT)

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{Three years ago}


"U-" Dazai looked at the ginger, his eyes filled with fear. "P-Please don't kill me?"


"If you didn't punch me a million times, you didn't have to go through the trouble to of this."

"Shut up, it's you who stole my wine." Chuuya said as he took an ice pack and softly pressed it against the brunette's bruise.

"Thank you~"

{Present time}


"Hehe..." Dazai looked at Kunikida mischievously, Kunikida rubbed his temple. 

"God, Dazai, I'm going to have headache because of you." Kunikida said as he snatched the notebook from the brunette's hands.

"Damn...I thought he'd punch me a million times just like that Chibi..." Dazai whispered to himself.

"What was that?"

"Nothing~" Dazai smiled, "Anyways, Imma head out~"

"DO NOT take so long like yesterday."

"No promises~"

[A place]

"Heyyy Chibi~~" Dazai skipped to the ginger, hugging him form the back.

"Tch. Get off of me Dazai." 


"Why are you chuckling like that-"


"Wha-WHA-" Chuuya turned red.

"Are my lips soft Chibi~"

"I-I guess..." the ginger covered his face.


"Tsk. Watch where you're standing shortie." the stranger who bumped into Chuuya said, annoyed.

Chuuya ignored him.

"Y'know, it's very rude not to say sorry when you bump into someone." the brunette looked at the man with a murderous intent.

"I-I'm sorry sir..." the man quickly turned to Chuuya and said, "Have-have a nice day..." The man quickly walked away.

"You really didn't have to do that." Chuuya looked at Dazai.

"oops!" Dazai laughed.

Just then, Chuuya's phone rang, he needed to go back to the mafia. "Gotta go. See you...tomorrow?"


The next day, Atsushi, Dazai, Akutagawa and Chuuya were assigned to hunt down an ability user. 

[In the car]

"Ability, control?" Atsushi said as he looked at the Ipad.

"Such a shitty name." Chuuya rolled his eyes.

"Apparently his ability can control other abilities."

"Oh. We're here."

The four got out of the car to see a man sitting on a bench.

"Excuse me sir, you have been arrested-"


"I said you have been arrested-"

"For what!?"

"We have to arrest you-"


"We have to arrest you or we'll use force-"

"Tch. It's so easy Mackerel, Akutagawa, use rashoumon."

The demon came out of the black coat. It suddenly attacked Chuuya.

"I-I'm sorry Chuuya-san! That was not my doing!"

"ughh...Fuck..." the ginger groaned after getting launched into a tree.

"Chuuya! Are you okay?!" Dazai ran to the ginger.

"Focus on the enemy, idiot...I'm fine."

"Dazai-san! My ability is out of control!" Atsushi said, while rashoumon was heading towards him.

"You all have very special and powerful Abilities huh..." the man smirked.

Dazai ran towards him to nullify his ability when he was pushed by rashoumon and knocked out.




"Heh, I guess you all really need that guy."

Chuuya ran to the brunette, he was the only one who could stop this guy.

"Dazai! Wake up dumbass!" Chuuya shook him a couple times but failed to wake him up.

His ability will always be activated...

Chuuya carried Dazai on his back and ran to the man. The man obviously saw it coming and used rashoumon to try and attack him.

Akutagawa pulled rashoumon back, stalling time. Chuuya got close to the man and whispered to the brunette.

"I'm sorry for doing this-" 

The ginger threw the unconscious Dazai to the man. Atsushi quickly knocked him out.

"We should've just knocked him out in the first place."


{The next day}


"Y-Yeah..." Atsushi scratched the back of his head.

"Okay~I'm going to "try another suicide method now"~" Dazai said as he went out of the door.

"Hey Daz-"

"Chiibiii.....why did you throw me!!!"

"Huh? Oh. It was the only method okay!!"

The brunette rolled his eyes. He then wanted to play with the ginger. 

"Ha! Got your hat!" he snatched the hat on top of the gingers head and held it high so that he would not be able to get it.

"Give it back! Mackerel!" Chuuya jumped but slipped and fell into the brunette's arms.

"Sorry Chuu, I could've got you hurt." Dazai said, looking concerned as he put the hat back on the ginger's head.

"It's fine..." Chuuya thought, when did he care anyway?

After a while, Chuuya started, " Are you Dazai Osamu?

"Yes, why?" 

"Why have you been so kind to me these days."


"I mean! Like you caught me when I fell and remember that guy bumping into me?"

Dazai chuckled. "I just don't want to lose you again, Chibi."

"Then, I'll be safe in your hands then."

I know the ending didn't really make sense but, hope you like it?

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