The dark side

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(I feel like this has more sskk than skk)

Demon prodigy, Dazai Osamu. Boss of the Port mafia, Dazai Osamu. The cruel and ruthless, Dazai Osamu.

"Please, spare me boss! It was a mistake! Please-"

"Filthy traitor. Akutagawa, clean up the body." the brunette ordered the boy standing by the door.

Akutagawa nodded and ran to the dead body with a pool of blood surrounding the man's head.

[Somewhere in Yokohama]

"Atsushi! The tv's on!" 

A grey haired boy ran to his ginger friend. He smiled and said,

"Great! Let's watch the news!" and he sat on the sofa.

"Hah? The news? What's so exciting about-"

"Criminal organization known as Port Mafia has been located by the government, the police are planning to infiltrate their headquarters next morning."

"Port Mafia? Never heard of that before." the grey haired boy, named Atsushi, looked to his friend, Nakahara Chuuya.

"Whatever, let's watch something else other than this dumb shit." Chuuya said as he reached for the remote control.

"The detective agency is still trying to figure out who the boss is-" Suddenly, the screen went dark.

"Oh come on!" Chuuya stomped his leg.

"L-Let's just not watch tv for today?" Atsushi said, he knew the ginger could have a mental breakdown if he gets to emotional.


{The next morning}



"DAMN IT, THEY ESCAPED!" the chief of police yelled as he heard the message from the team that was supposed to arrest the boss had told him he wasn't there.

[Somewhere else]

"Your plan really worked out, Dazai-san."

"It always will." Dazai smirked as he leaded Akutagawa to the surface.

"But it's only us two now."

"You have a problem with that?"



"Oh. Sorry." a ginger who just bumped into Dazai said.

"How dare you bump into Dazai-san-"

"It's fine Akutagawa."

"You...are tall..." the ginger looked at Dazai.

"Well you are shorter than average." Dazai replied.

"Y-YOU!" the ginger yelled.

"It's the truth." Dazai smiled.

"If you weren't a stranger, I would've already beaten the shit out of you." the ginger crossed his arms.

"Yeah, yeah, anyways, do you know a place to live?" Dazai asked.


"We got kicked out from both of our houses when our parents found out we were gay." (Such a bad excuse)

The ginger looked to the grey haired boy beside him, smirking.

"You're just like us!" the grey haired boy said.

"You can live at the hotel beside us." the ginger said, leading the other three to the hotel.

As the four walked to the hotel, they got to know each other better.

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