You're just a stranger why do you care so much

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Damn, I hate him. I hate him so much, my stupid older brother. What did I even do to get kicked out of the house. It wasn't my fault that Rimbaud-

A brunette about my age came up to me, I looked up at him, he pulled out some money from his pocket.

"Here, I'm sure you need it."

"O-oh thanks..."

He then sat beside me.

"Don't you have a house to go back to?" I looked to him.

He smiled as he turned to me," I do, but I don't want to."


After a moment of silence, he started again, "So what's your name? I'm Dazai Osamu."

"Nakahara Chuuya, nice to meet you, Dazai."

"So, did you get kicked out of your house or something?"

"Yeah...because I hit his boyfriend."


"My older brother."

"God, such a small reason to kick your brother out of the house."

"I know right!? He's overprotective and still kicks me out, making me get kidnapped or something."

Suddenly, my stomach grumbled loudly.

"We should probably get food now, shall we?"

"Mhm." I agreed.

[Seven Eleven] (or some other store)

"Chibi,  are you allowed to go back home?"

"I don't- wait- What did you just call me?" 

Did I hear that right...?

"I said chibi-"

"It's Chuuya Chuuya."

"Look at your height, it's only reasonable that I call you-"

I punched him. Ugh! This rude bastard!

"Owww, I treat you to food and you hit me chibi? So mean~"

Dazai placed a hand on his chest, acting hurt.

"Looking at what you call me, it's only reasonable that I punch you." I said, mimicking him.

"So answer my question chibi, are you allowed to go back home?"

God, this dude doesn't learn his lessons does he? I clenched my fist after hearing that disgusting nickname again.

"I don't know, I'll try. Stay here, I'll go try. DON'T LEAVE, I'm begging you."

"Alright chibi, don't get KIDnapped by any KIDnappers!" Dazai said, emphasising the "kid" in "kidnap". (I'm sure you know what he was implying)

I had one last nerve for that stubborn ass.

I walked to my-Verlaine's house.

I pressed the doorbell.

"Who is it?" It was Verlaine, he opened the door halfway.

"It's- Chuuya. I'm sorry, can you let me-"



Suddenly, I was hugged from the back. I suddenly felt so warm.

I looked at the person hugging me.


"C'mon, let's go to my place."

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