Loyal to me (Part one)

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"Tachi!" the ginger chased after the redhead.

Tachihara turned to him, letting the ginger fall into his arms.

"Mm, hey, Chuuya."

"Wanna hang out at my place today?"

"Sorry, I have somewhere else to be."

"Oh. Okay then, see you tomorrow."


As Tachihara left, a hooded figure walked by Chuuya and said,

"Kinda sus isn't it."

"I've never even met you before, shut up."

"As you wish."

{The next day}

Chuuya can't stop Thinking about what the hooded guy said, Tachihara is loyal, right?

"Chuuya, apparently there's a new student coming today."

"Okay. Cool I guess."

The class quieted down as the teacher walked in. She started,

"We have a new student today, come in please."

A brunette walked in.

"Hello everyone, I'm Dazai and I hope I'll get along with everyone."

"Okay, Dazai-kun take a seat." 

--Dazai POV--

I came here to get one person.  Tachihara Michizō. It seems like he has a boyfriend.

After class, I pretended to sleep on the table.

I felt a light tap on my head.

I looked up, it's his boyfriend.

"E-Excuse me? Class is over, Dazai."

Just then the redhead walked to him.

"Chuuya. Let's go."

Hmm, his name is Chuuya.

"O-Okay-" the ginger turned to Tachihara after giving me one last glance.

[At the cafeteria}

After getting some food, I looked around, I found the pair.

It's obvious that Tachihara does not love him. You can tell by his eyes and the way he smiles. The ginger trusts people too easily.

I approached the two and asked, "Hey, can I sit here?"

"Sure." Chuuya immediately said, smiling.

"So what are you guys' names?" I said, of course, I already knew, such a useless question.

"I'm Tachihara and this is Chuuya, my boyfriend."

"Address me by my first name, my last name is too long."

"Your last name is?"


Hmm,  Nakahara Chuuya, huh? I'll take a look at him when I'm bored then.

"So why did you come here?" Chuuya asked.

"I got kicked from my last school because the teachers couldn't stand me." It was the truth I got kicked because of that and I was being homeschooled since then.

"Can't stand you for what?"

"I kept sleeping and every time they asked me to stop, I never."

It seems like Tachihara doesn't want to engage into the conversation.

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