Neighbours are friends, friends are neighbours

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Mori Ougai, Kouyou Ozaki, they were neighbours, also old classmates.

"Mori-san, do you have a wife?" Kouyou asked through the phone.

"Kouyou-san, you know we could just go to our backyards and talk." Mori picked up the phone.

"Just answer my question."

"No I don't have a wife." 

"You usually come home from work at..." 

"Ten. Why?"

"Then why is one of the lights at your house on?"

"You come home at?"

"Same time as you."

"Then why is two of your lights at your house on?"

"I already told you about Kyouka-chan, Mori-san."

"Then why are two of your house's lights on upstairs?"

Kouyou hanged up, they clearly have a secret person in their houses.

[Kouyou's house]

"Ane-san? Who were you talking to?" a ginger walked out of his room.

"Oh, just our neighbour. Go to sleep Chuu-chan, you have school tomorrow."

"Alright, goodnight Ane-san." Chuuya, the ginger, said as he walked back into his room.

{The next day}

Chuuya was woken up by someone shaking him.

"Ughh...what time is it..." Chuuya groaned.

"Chuu-chan, you're late for school, it's eight already!" Kouyou said, pulling the ginger out of bed.

"Huh!? Eight!? Wh-Why didn't you wake me up sooner?!"

"You were too asleep, now hurry!!"


After Chuuya changed into his uniform, he rushed out of the door, ignoring breakfast.

At the same time, a brunette who lived beside him walked out of the door too.

Chuuya got distracted by him. He's so hot......

"Excuse me, I think you're late to school. It's almost eight thirty-"

"A-Ah! S-Sorry! Thanks for reminding me?" Chuuya turned and ran the other direction, meanwhile the brunette watches him, then chuckles, he said to himself," I should know more about that cute chibi."

{After school} --Chuuya POV--

Dammit, I should've brought an umbrella, it's raining so heavily today.

Then, the same guy I saw this morning before going to school passed by. He spotted me and walked towards me.

"Hey, my name's Dazai, your neighbour, you brought an umbrella?"

", I didn't." I scratched my head while chuckling nervously.

"Let's go home together then."

Am I in a K-drama show? Walking under the rain, sharing an umbrella with a hot guy?

"So Chibi, what's your favourite colour?"

Wait- Did I heard that correctly?


"Mhm, I mean look at your height-"


"So~ What's your name, chibi~"

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