Pathetic sender to a pathetic receiver [BAD ENDING]

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"WHAT? YOU...YOU CAN'T JUST KICK HIM OUT!" Dazai yelled at his boss, who sat calmly on his cushioned chair, with the young blonde beside. 

"I'm the boss, are you one?" 

"...I hate you." Dazai turned around, leaving the office in a state of anger he had never felt before. This was the only time he was actually experiencing this much emotion for the little ginger. He took out his flip phone, then called the contact labeled, 'The little chibi gingerbread man'.

"Are you happy that I'm not your annoying partner anymore?" The other muttered, Dazai knew he had been sobbing.

"You know exactly how I feel, Chuuya. Where are you? I want you to tell me, without needing me to track you down."

"Don't talk to me. Don't call me. Don't message me. Don't ask anyone to send me messages or gifts. Bye, Dazai, I hope we both enjoyed the time we spent as partners. I'll see you never, bandaged mackerel."

"What? Chuuya, wait!"


"Damn it..." Dazai felt like throwing a tantrum, for the cocky Nakahara Chuuya, furthermore. Just then, he suddenly remembered a random memory-- 

"Darling Maria," he started, kneeling down and taking her hand, "the best cure for your depressing state, is your favourite flowers, here you go, my love. Your beloved sunflowers for valentines day."


"I know this is a weird question chibi, don't think I'm gonna get you these or anything! But, what's your favourite type of flower?" I asked.

"Hm? Uh...Red camellias, why?"

"Nothing. Just curious." I shrugged, not like the information's gonna be useful in the future anyway.


--Switch POVs--

About a year and a half has passed since the day he started giving me flowers. Who? Oh, my new boyfriend. He was a mailman, I know, not that good of a profession but, he's alright. How did we meet? I saw my favourite flowers, red camellias, on my door mat. He stood in front of them with a bright smile, and handed it to me. 

I was surprised, the only person whom I told my favourite flowers to was that damn...never mind. He's behind me, it was just a small little crush, he doesn't matter to me anymore.

Anyways, I brushed it off as a coincidence and we started to date since then. Now, I earn money by working as a waiter, it was the best job I could take on with a fake resume, okay? I was lucky that boss, my previous boss, helped me print out a fake one.

One day, I was doing my daily job, when a group of loud people walked in. Ugh, I hate people like them. I looked at the group.

Blonde guy with glasses...Weird haircut boy...short brown clothes boy...guy with a raccoon? (I mean, I get that the place is pet-friendly but, seriously? A raccoon?) and uh...wait, is that...


"No way in hell..." I mumbled, my eyes widened as the brunette skipped to me. 

"Are you happy to see me?~" He winked, I pointed my middle finger.

The others went to chope a seat and left him behind.

"Oh come on, you know that you missed me~" He leaned closer to me.

"When did you get so...energetic?" I tilted my head to the side, raising an eyebrow. "You're not emo anymore. You got eye surgery or something?"

"Oh, whatever. Are you liking the fl-" 


Holy shit, that sounds like my line.

"Oops, gotta go now, bye chibi~!" Dazai rushed away.

Just then, I spotted another familiar person coming in. Oh fuck, my past crush and boyfriend in the same place- wait. No way. He said he doesn't have a sister...and his mother couldn't be that young...

He walked in front of me, that's when he realised.

"Y-You're cheating on me?..." I stuttered.

"H-Huh? No, this...she's...uh..." He looked at me, then looked at the young women over and over again. He sighed. "Look, Chuuya, can't you see I only liked you for your looks? You're so pathetic. You even fell for the flowers. They weren't even mine! They were...whoever's called 'bandaged mackerel'. Pathetic sender of flowers to a pathetic receiver of flowers- FUCK!"

I punched him, hard, in the guts. Damn it, how could I be so careless? I guess a relationship would never work out for me. The last word I heard was 'you even fell for the flowers.' I didn't  bother hearing the last part, I bet he was just talking shit about me. I'm leaving this fucking man. I guess I'll just jump off a building. Fuck this shit, I'm going back to France.


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