The art of reincarnation

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I thought of this idea last year sry ive never been writing much. too much work T_T

"We have this painting called "The Demon Rat", does anyone know the artist who painted this?"

"Dazai Osamu."

A sudden feeling of discomfort spread across my body. It was probably just the wind. Art class was boring, so so boring.

The teacher continued blabbering about how 'The Demon Rat' was based on a real person, blah blah blah. The class was finally over.

I was walking around the cafeteria, trying to find a seat. Then I heard a voice behind me,


I turned around, "Oh, hey Akutagawa. Where's your sister?"

"She's sick." he replied, no emotion could be seen in his eyes. Makes me think that he's really emo.

"I hope she gets better then, wanna sit together?"


We both sat down and started munching on our food, then Akutagawa spoke, "Hey, Chuuya-san, y'know the Dazai Osamu the art teacher talked about?"

A shiver went down my spine again, "What about him?"

"I heard we're gonna go to the art exhibition, he's gonna be there."

"Oh? Well...Are you going?" 

"I have too." 

Might as well then. "Okay." I finished my food and headed out of the cafeteria. Time to research who this Dazai Osamu is.}


He looks familiar...I squinted my eyes while staring at Dazai Osamu's self portrait painted by himself. Why does he have bandages all over his arms? Mummy. And what's with that line? 'I faintly remember that this was what I looked like' Probably psychopathic. 

I continued scrolling through the paintings. One caught my eye. 

Ginger hair. Blue smudges on the light beige skin. A hat. A red glow around the figure. 'A beautiful criminal'

(I'm gonna split this story into a few parts. Guys, I better not miss chuu's b-day)

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