When I saw you again

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"Shinju wa~ hitori de wa dekinai~"

That was all they could hear.

This, was all what I could hear.

"Oi shitty mackerel, when are you gonna come back? Oi shitty mackerel, kill yourself. Oi shitty mackerel, come kiss me."

I suddenly sat up from the sofa.

"Ah! Dazai-san? What's wrong? You scared me..."

"A-Ah...nothing." I turned to Atsushi-kun.

Damn, I really miss that chibi so much? I hope he doesn't hate me.

{A few minutes later}

"Goodbyee~" I said as I went out of the door.


A motorcycle drove past me at a terrifying speed, and that's when I realised I yelled at the top of my lungs.


--?? POV--


I suddenly stopped. That voice...

My body moved on it's own, I ran the other side, away from my motorcycle, I blinked, and bumped into someone.


"Chuuya. Remember me?"

I turned my body and walked back to the motorcycle.

"Wait! Chuuya! Wait!"

The faint sound of his voice is already irritating me.


I tried to hold back my tears.


I couldn't stop them from flowing down.


"Shut up, stupid asshole. I never ever in my life want to see your disgusting face again!"

"Chuuya, please, I had to, I'm sure you under-"

--Dazai's POV--

Soft lips pressed against mine. I remember this feeling. It was so relaxing.

He turned away. "I understand, Dazai. I don't forgive you." And he hopped on his motorcycle and went back to his apartment.

Chuuya let his anger consume him. He knows why I needed to leave, he was just angry I didn't tell him. Ugh, I can't believe I have to do so many things for that chibi.

{A few minutes later}

Knock knock

"Come in."


"Dazai-kun? What a surprise to see you here."

"I only have one wish."

"And what is that?"

"Let Chuuya have an off day tomorrow."

"And what do I benefit from that?"

"I'll take some time to reconsider about going the mafia again."

"He can only leave at twelve noon. Deal?"

"I make no deals with you. Deal."

{The next day, noon.}

"You called, boss?" Chuuya said, taking off his hat and bowing.

"You can go now."

"What? I-I don't understand."

"You can go home."

"Is-Is this a trick?"

"No, now go."


Chuuya walked out of the door. He was nervous, what if it was a trick and if he left, it would count as he left the mafia.

[Chuuya's apartment door]

"Who's there-"

"Good afternoon, chibi."

"I said that I didn't want to see your face again..."

"Get ready. I want to bring you somewhere."

Chuuya didn't want to leave the poor brunette waiting forever so he went along.

As they were walking to the place.

"Tch. Don't hold my hand."

"Even if I left you for four years, it doesn't mean that we broke up."

"Well it does for me."

Dazai held the ginger's chin and bent down to his level. The two's faces were only two inches apart, Chuuya was burning red.

"So are you saying you want us to break up, hmm, chibi?"

"I-I mean...not really, but-"

"But what?"


"You're so adorable when you're embarrassed chibi."

"Shut up...and get away from me, we're in public..."

"Does that matter?"

"It clearly does, and you're wasting my time, where are we going."

"Follow me~"

[The place]

"I hope you remember this place."


"C'mon, let's play together."


{After a few minutes of playing}


"You really haven't improved on your arcade skills have you?"

"Shut up! Rematch!"

"It's the third time, chibi."


"Well...I don't really know what to buy soo, I'll let you buy whatever you want."


"Look at how many tickets I have, it's literally taller than you-"

"Shut up, bastard!!"

"Do you want to buy anything or what?"

"Let's go then."

[Outside the arcade]

"Want me to take you home?"

"Don't worry. Thank you for today, I guess, I love you."



"Do you forgive me now?" Dazai said, holding Chuuya by the hips.

"Fine. You had a reason to leave anyway."

Dazai kissed Chuuya.

I think they've kissed three times._.

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