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You are my sunshine,

my only sunshine,

 you make me happy,

when skies are grey,

you'll never know dear,

how much I love you, 

so please don't take my sunshine away...


"Nee nee! Chibi-chan! Come 'ere!" the brunette chirped, pulling Chuuya to a wishing well.

"Tch! Don't call me that!" Chuuya's ears and cheeks turned red.

"D'you have a coin?" 

"Yeah, I'm not giving it to you though!"

"Oh c'mon, chibi, pleaseeee?"

"Just joking." Chuuya passed a fifty cent to Dazai.

The two tossed it into the well and put their hands together.

 "Not all wishes come true, y'know." the ginger turned to the brunette after wishing.

"What? You thought I wished for myself to die?"

"You didn't?"

"Well...maybe, maybe not!" Dazai giggled, then took the ginger's hat off, "bet ya can't catch me slug!" 



The sun eventually rose as the sky turned pink and orange.

"Nee, chibi, your presence is nice with the sun." the brunette said, leaning on the tree.

"Hm? Y-Yours too. Well, more like, you are the sun." Chuuya looked at the brunette below him as he was sitting on a tree branch (a strong one).

"Aww, so I'm the sun in chibi's life?"

"Yeah...I guess."

"So, what would your world be when I'm gone?"

"..." Chuuya closed his eyes, "A pitch black void."

-End of flashback-



More gunshots.

More sobbing.



" you know what I wished for that one time?"


"I wished for us to live a happy life together. Forever."


"After all, we're partners for life, right?"

"Yeah...yeah...we're partners for life, so get on your two legs and stand."

"I can't, chibi, just leave me to die."

"No! I can't!"



"Say goodbye to everyone for me, Chuuya."


"I love you, Chuuya...I'm sorry that it has to end like this..."

"Shut up! It's not ending."


"D-Dazai? I-It's not ending! Dazai!"

{A few years later}

"Dazai, you wanna know what I wished for? It's about time I let you know."

Dazai Osamu

19/6/____- 13/6/ ____

(idk when he was born + he was 18yrs (dark era ))

"I wished for the same thing."

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