Chapter 1

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At Nattawin and Apo house..

Nattawin pov..

Nattawin is busy helping Nampheung in the kitchen.. Nampheung look at the clock and notice that Apo is still sleeping.. Mr Karn come to them and kiss both of them and ask.. 'Honey.. Nattawin.. Where is Apo? I thought he is already wake up..' Nattawin sigh slowly and say.. 'Im sorry Pa.. I will go to his room and wake him up now' Karn stroke Nattawin's hair gently and reply back .. Yes son.. Off you go now.. 'Nattawin nod and go upstairs.. Nattawin open the door and see his younger twin is still sleeping peacefully.. Nattawin then speak in his heart' Should I wake him up or not? He is sleeping like a baby'.. Nattawin smile and walk towards Apo and sit beside him gently and say.. 'Po.. Wake up now.. We need to go to school..' Apo open his eyes slowly and smile as he see his older twin brother sitting beside him.. Apo get up and hug Nattawin and look at him with a soft smile.. Nattawin chuckle and ask.. 'Ohoo.. What's wrong hmm?While stroking his twin hair.. Apo kiss Nattawin cheek and respond with a husky voice..' Good morning phi Natta.. You smell so nice right now.. 'Nattawin kiss Apo' s forehead and say.. Of course I am.. Come on.. You should get up now.. Or else.. We will be late to school.. Pa and Mom already waiting for us in the kitchen'..Nattawin then get up and start to tidy up Apo's room.. Apo quickly stop his twin brother and say.. 'You don't have to do that phi.. I can do it by myself.. Shoo!' Apo push his twin brother out from the room and take a shower.. Nattawin shake his head and walk downstairs and see the food is already on the table.. Nampheung then ask.. 'Is he awake?' Nattawin nod in respond then sit down beside Mr Karn.. Karn smile and say.. 'Now.. Lets wait for Apo.. Then we can eat together..'

10 minutes later..

Apo go downstairs and see his family already started eating without waiting for him since they are hungry.. Except Nattawin... Nattawin then say.. 'Apo.. Come and sit beside phi.. Lets eat together..' Apo shake his head and sip the plain water and say.. 'Im already late phi Natta.. I will see you later.. Bye!' Apo walk out from the house without even eating.. Karn and Nampheung look at each other then look at Nattawin and ask.. 'Dear.. What's wrong with your younger brother?Is Apo alright?'Nattawin then get up and reply back..' I don't know too Pa.. Mae.. I better go now.. Or else, I will be late as well.. I will see you both later na krub.. 'Nattawin hug his parents and bow.. Nampheung smile and say..' Please be careful na krub.. 'Nattawin nod and leave the house..

At Sumettikul family house..

Bible pov..

Bible who is ready to go to school.. Notice his younger sister isn't done yet.. Bible then ask..' Princess! Are you done?!Phi Thong is waiting! Please be hurry up! 'Becky quickly come down and wear her shoe and say..' Im sorry na kha phi Bible! I woke up late na kha! 'Bible shake his head and smile then say..' Don't worry princess.. We won't leave you behind.. If Mae and Dad are still here.. They will be nagging at you.. 'Becky smile at Bible then say..' Come on phi.. Let's go na kha.. 'Bible nod and give Becky a signal to get into Thong's car while Bible lock the door.. Bible then get into the car as well and say..' Lets go Phi Thong.. 'Thong chuckle and reply back..' Calm down Bible.. We are going to same place.. 'Thong then drive his car and go to school with Bible and Becky..

At school...

Apo finally arrive at school follow up by Nattawin.. Both of them park their car and go inside the school.. Both of them stop walking as they got interrupt by Mile and his minions.. Mile then say.. 'Ohh.. Look who is here.. The nerd boy is here.. JJ laugh at Nattawin while Nodt remain silent.. Bas who is just arrive quickly approach Mile and his gang and say..' Please leave him alone will you Mile?'Mile chuckle and reply back..' Hey.. I hear someone is talking.. Who is it? Is it a fly or something? 'JJ laugh once again at them.. Bas fix his glasses and say..' Nattawin..lets go na krub.. Don't mind these people.. 'Nodt who is stay in silent then speak up..' You guys should go now.. And as for you both.. Lets go to our class.. 'Apo suddenly stand in front of Mile and JJ then say..' Listen here you bastard.. If I see you guys again.. You will learn the lesson.. Off you go before I rip your head off! 'Apo look at them with anger and say..' Phi Natta.. You should go now.. Ignore these stupid bastard.. 'Apo give them a death glare and walk to his class.. Bas quickly pull Nattawin and go to the class as well.. Mile then say..' That Nattawin will get a lesson.. Let's go! '

At Apo class..

Apo is doing his work.. Suddenly stop as he see another student come towards him and sitting beside him.. Bible then smile at Apo and say.. 'Ermm.. Hello Nattawin.. Im Bible.. From now on.. I will sit here beside you.. I hope you won't mind it..and nice to meet you..' Bible bow his head and start to take out his book.. Apo shake his head and focus on the lesson again...

After 1 hour later..

Thong pov..

Thong who is done teaching.. Walk towards Bible and ask..' Bible.. Don't forget to give this money to Becky.. I think she forgot to bring the money..' Bible sigh slowly and say.. 'Clumsy as always..'Apo then look at Thong and Bible then ask..' Ermm.. Excuse me, Do you know each other? 'Bible chuckle and say..' Of course we are Nattawin.. Our class teacher is my older brother.. 'Thong shake hands with Apo and say..'Nice to meet you Apo Wattanangitiphat.. By the way.. Its a break time.. You both should go and eat..' Bible nod and say.. 'Nattawin.. Let's go to the canteen and eat.. Suddenly.. Job and Pong come towards them and say..' We will join you as well! 'Apo chuckle then nod.. All of them go to the canteen..

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