Chapter 31

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Nattawin and Apo pov..

Both of them finally arrive at their house.. Nattawin play with Apo fingers and say.. 'Im scared Po..' Apo kiss Nattawin's lips softly and say.. 'Nothing to be afraid of Nattawin...Im here baby'.. Both of them go inside the house and see their parents are watching tv.. Karn smile at them and say.. 'Oh.. Welcome back my sons..' Nampheung then hug both of her sons and say.. Nattawin.. Apo.. Lets eat na kha.. 'Apo then pull Nattawin to stand behind him and hold his hand tight and say..' I have something to tell to you both.. 'Karn and Nampheung frown and look at each other.. Apo take a deep breath and say..' Actually.. Im Apo na krub.. Im not Nattawin.. Nattawin then pop out his head and say.. 'Im the real Nattawin na krub..' Nampheung then ask.. 'What is going on hmm?' Apo then kneel infront his parents and say.. 'Me and Nattawin even had sex together.. Please forgive me na krub Mae.. Pa.. I did it because Nattawin asked for it!' Karn hold Apo's shoulder and ask.. 'Please tell us.. What is actually happened between you both?' Nattawin look at his brother with a worry expression.. Apo then say.. 'Me and Nattawin.. We love each other na krub.. Since we were young... But.. Something had happened to Nattawin during the trip in Huahin.. Nattawin then say..' A.. Actually.. I got molested in school Pa.. Mae.. Apo is the one who always save my life... 'Nampheung hug Nattawin and say..' Ooh my dear! Please tell to mae na kha.. Who is it? 'Apo then answers..' Mile and JJ na krub mae.. 'Karn then ask..' What did you say? Mile? From Romsaithong family? 'Apo and Nattawin look at each other and frown.. Apo then ask..' Pa.. Do you know them? '

Karn then pull both of his sons to sit down and say..' Those Romsaithong family is not just a normal family like us Apo.. They are from mafia family.. 'Apo then feel his phone buzz and see Bible' s name.. Apo then get up and say.. 'Hello sweetheart? What's the matter?' Bible then answers back.. 'Po.. Where are you now? Apo then say..' Im at home with my twin brother.. I already tell my parents the truth... 'Bible breath out of relief then say..' Mile and JJ parents came to school.. Those bastard already got a warning.. Hopefully this kind of problem wont happen again... 'Apo nod then say..' Thank you so much for everything sweetheart.. 'Bible then say..' I love you Po.. Forever and always.. Well.. I need to go back home now.. I will see you again tomorrow.. 'Apo hung up the phone and silent for a few minutes..' Nampheung then ask.. 'Po.. What's wrong na kha?' Apo sit down and reply back.. 'Bible say that Mile and JJ parents came to school and both of them got a warning from the principle..' Karn hold Apo's hand and say.. Po... Please stay away from Mile family.. We can't help you if anything happens to you.. 'Nattawin then ask..' What do you mean Pa? What do you mean when you say that you can't help Apo? '

Apo pull Nattawin close to him and say..' Ssh.. Sshh.. Its OK.. Its OK sweetheart.. Nothing will be happen to me.. I promise you.. 'Nattawin already cry in Apo's arms and say..'Liar.. You are such a liar... If anything happen to you.. Who is gonna take care of me?' Nattawin then walk upstairs and go inside his room and slam the door.. 'Karn then say..' We both know that you and Nattawin love each other very much since you guys were young.. We can't blame you when you said that you had a sex with Nattawin'.. Nampheung rub Apo's back gently and say.. 'Please give your twin brother a time na kha..' Apo hug both of his parents and say.. 'Im truly sorry na krub Pa.. Mae.. I deserve to be hate.. But please don't hate Nattawin...I will leave this house too..' Karn hold Apo's shoulder and say...'We wont allow you to leave us Apo.. Who is going to take care of your twin brother?' Nampheung then say.. 'It seems that Nattawin already have you... You also marked him..' Apo hold his parents hands and say.. 'Pa.. Mae.. If..if something happens to me... Please.. Please take care of Nattawin for me.. That's all I ask.. Im sorry.. I need to go to work..' Apo kiss his parents and leave the house..

At Romsaithong mansion..

Mile pov..

Mile hug his father legs and say..' Pa.. Please! Please forgive me! I didn't mean to molested him! Mrs Romsaithong then defend her son and say.. 'Dear.. Please stop it! You heard him! He didn't mean to!' Mr Romsaithong then yell.. 'Enough! Don't spoil him too much!' Mr Romsaithong hold his chest as he feels his chest start to get hurt.. Mile ignore his father then leave the house again and speak in his heart.. 'Nattawin.. You will die in my hands.. Just wait!'

Apo pov..

Apo finally arrives at the bar and see Bible.. Job Pong.. Nodt and Bas already there.. Apo then walk inside and walk straight to the counter to make a drinks..after a few minutes later.. Apo return and serve the drinks for his friends and say.. 'Hope you guys will enjoy it na krub..' Bas hold Apo's shoulder and say.. 'Apo Wattanangitiphat!' Nodt hug Apo and say.. 'Po.. This is you am I right?' Job and Pong then cheer up for Apo then say.. 'Yaay!! Apo is back!' Apo smile at them then give them a hug then say.. 'Please forgive me na krub... I didn't mean to tell a lies.. I just want to protect my older brother.. That's it..' Pong then say.. 'Ei.. You had a sex with him..' Apo laugh at Pong then smack his head and say.. 'I need to continue my work..' Apo kiss Bible's lips and continue his work..

As the time passes by.. Apo then look at the clock and say.. 'Finally.. Its time to close the bar..' Suddenly..a loud thunder rumbling and make Apo feel shock and flinch.. Apo shake his head and close the bar.. Apo is about to leave but stop as he see 5 man with a black suits.. Apo then ask.. 'Who the fuck are you?!' Apo start to fight them one by one.. One of the man then start to fight with Apo and punch Apo until Apo fall on the ground.. Apo feel his chest hurt then kick the other man.. Suddenly.. A rain pour heavily.. Apo keep fighting with those man.. One of the man take out the knife and scratches Apo's arms and stab his stomach...Apo then yell.. 'Bastard! Who is your boss huh?! Is it Mile Phakphum?!' Apo notice that lot of blood start to come out from his stomach.. Apo use the remain energy to fight with those man.. Apo got stab again and fall on the ground.. One of the man then say.. 'I think.. he is dead.. Let's go..' Those man then leave Apo laying on the ground all alone... Apo then say.. 'Nattawin.. Bible..' and close his eyes.. '

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