Chapter 2

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At the canteen..

Apo pov..

Apo is walking to the canteen and notice his twin brother isn't there yet.. Bible then ask.. 'Nattawin.. What's wrong hmm?' Job sigh and say.. 'Hey weirdo.. This is Apo.. Not Nattawin.. Nattawin is Apo older brother!' Pong then smack Job's head and reply back with a serious tone.. 'Do you need to shout?' Bible scratch his head and shock as he see Becky run towards him and say.. 'Phi.. I forgot to bring a money..' Bible stroke Becky hair gently and say.. 'Here you go my little princess..' Becky take the money from Bible and kiss his cheek gently and look at Apo then ask.. 'Ermm.. Phi Bible kha.. Who is this person?' Apo smile at Becky and reply back.. 'Im Apo Wattanangitiphat.. And you are?' Becky shake hands with Apo and reply back.. 'Im Rebecca Armstrong Sumettikul na kha.. Im phi Thong and phi Bible younger sister.. You can say that Im your junior..Its a pleasure to meet you'.. Job suddenly stand in front of Pong and say.. 'Hi.. Im Job and this is Pong.. We are Apo's friend too..'

Becky bow her head and say.. 'Erm.. Please excuse me.. I need to go and buy a food..' Becky wave at them and walk away.. Apo start to have a bad feelings and say..'Guys..Im truly sorry but I gotta go now.. Eat without me..' Apo leave the canteen while Bible stand there and feel confused.. Pong sigh once again and say.. 'Hey dude.. Lets go and buy a food..' Bible nod and follow them to buy a food..

Meanwhile at the class

Nattawin pov..

Nattawin and Bas decide to stay in the class while Mile and his minion leave.. Bas then look at Nattawin with a sad expression and say..' Natta.. Do we really need to do this? Why those 3 are so cruel to us?!' Nattawin then continue doing Mile's work and say.. 'Its OK Bas.. I rather do this than we got bully again and again..' Suddenly Apo burst into his twin brother class and snatch the note book from Nattawin and ask.. 'What the fuck are you doing here Nattawin?!' Bas feel shock as he see Apo's expression.. Nattawin then reply back.. 'A.. Apo.. Please give back the note book to me.. I need to finish their homework before they return..' Apo take out his lighter and burn Mile and JJ book.. Bas then say.. 'Oh no! Apo.. What have you done?!' Apo grab Nattawin hand and see Mile is coming back.. Nodt shock as he see those book already got burn.. Mile then ask with anger 'What the hell is wrong with you Apo?! Look! What the fuck have you done?!'

Nattawin quickly kneel infront of Mile and say.. 'No! Please! Please let go of twin brother! Im begging you!' Mile kick Nattawin stomach and push him away.. Apo punch Mile face and yell'..Get away from Nattawin! 'Bas! Go and take him out!' Nattawin shake his head and say.. 'No! Apo.. Get out!' Suddenly.. Someone coming towards them and yell.. 'Enough!' What is going on here?! 'Nodt then pull JJ and Mile from them and say..' P.. Phi Jeff..

Jeff then look at Apo and Nattawin.. Jeff grab Nattawin hands and say.. 'Let's get the hell out of here.. And as for you 3..consider today is your lucky day..' Jeff walk out with Nattawin while Bas quickly leave the class.. Apo punch Mile face and leave as well.. Jeff then take Nattawin away with him then leave the school.. Apo quickly catch up from behind but fail.. Apo kick the pebbles and sigh heavily and say.. 'Damn it.. Who the heck is that man?' Bible then run towards Apo and ask.. 'What... What happen to you?' Apo then roll his eyes and reply with a cold tone.. 'Don't disturb me weirdo!' Apo leave the school as well and go to the bar...

Meanwhile at other places..

Jeff pov..

Jeff then come out from his car and take Nattawin with him and go to the cafe.. Nattawin feel confused and ask.. 'Who are you and why are you taking me with you?' Jeff smile softly and say.. 'You don't have to feel afraid.. I was trying to save your life back there.. Im Jeff Satur.. And you?' Nattawin bow his head then reply back.. 'Im Nattawin Wattanangitiphat.. Im Apo Wattanangitiphat older twin brother.. Nice to meet you..' Nattawin shake hands with Jeff... Jeff then kiss Nattawin hands and smile at him..Nattawin feel his cheek turn into red and reply back.. 'Ermm.. I think we should go inside..' Jeff nod and take Nattawin to sit near the window and say.. 'Let's eat something shall we?' Nattawin nod and say.. I must be hurry... Im really worried about Apo..'Jeff nod and order the food..

At the bar..

Apo pov..

Apo who is already drunk.. Start to feel dizzy and say..' Please.. Give me another bottle! 'The bartender then say..' No more sir.. You already drunk... Your condition will get worse.. Should I call someone to pick you up sir?'.. Apo phone suddenly buzz.. Apo then say..' Its my twin..'Apo then answer the phone call and say..' Hmm... What do you want? '... Nattawin then reply with a worry tone then ask..' Po.. Where are you hmm? I thought you already at home now.. I just arrive at our house.. Mae said that you still haven't return.. Please tell me.. Where are you now.. Me and Jeff will go to pick you up na..'Apo hung his phone and fall asleep.. The bartender then see Bible come towards Apo then say..' sir.. Please take this man out of here right now.. His condition will get worse if he stay here longer.. 'Bible nod and carry Apo in his arms then take Apo back to his house..'

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