Chapter 34

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Next day..

At the hospital..

Apo pov...

Apo is still resting on his bed.. Suddenly.. There's a door open.. JJ come towards Apo and sit in front of him and say.. 'Po.. I know that I have such a bad attitude towards you and Nattawin.. I hope you will forgive me..Even though Mile and I have been friends for quite long time... But, I didn't know that he is capable of doing this such of things... No matter what happens Po.. Please don't die.. You must get up and fight.. Fight for yourself.. fight for your family.. and lastly.. fight for Nattawin.. Mile main target is no longer your twin brother.. But its you Apo.. So.. Im begging you.. Please wake up soon...JJ then take out something from his pocket then put it underneath the pillow and leave.. Apo's fingers start to move slowly...

At Bible condo...

Bible pov..

Bible wake up as he hears the alarm is ringing.. Bible then get up from the bed and take a shower... After a few minutes later... Bible come out from the bathroom and take out a casual outfit and wear it... Bible phone then buzzing and see Becky name on it then answers it then say.. 'Hello princess? Becky then ask..' Phi.. Phi Thong and I couldn't come to visit Phi Apo na kha.. Phi Thong is busy with the students and I have an exam na kha.. 'Bible then reply back..' Not a big deal princess.. I can go there by my self.. 'Bible then hung up his phone and walk out from his room and leave the house...Bible then speak in his heart..' Po.. Please wake up.. '

At Wattanangitiphat house..

Nattawin pov..

Nattawin wake up as he feels someone is shaking his body slowly.. Nampheung then say.. 'Nattawin.. Wake up dear.. We will go to the hospital today..' Nattawin then ask.. Where is Pa?Nampheung then reply back.. 'He got some errands to do.. He will come to the hospital later..' Nattawin look at Nampheung and ask.. Mae.. Can I ask you something?'Is it true that our family is a mafia family?' Nampheung feel shock as she hear those question from Nattawin... Nampheung then ask.. ' do you know about this sweetheart?' Nattawin then reply back.. 'So..its true then.. Pa go and meet that Romsaithong family..' Nampheung feel hopeless and say.. 'Pa want to settle this matter by his own... You should take a shower.. We will go to the hospital later..' Nattawin then walk towards the bathroom and take a shower..

Meanwhile at Romsaithong family house..

Karn and Mr Romsaithong are sitting together while facing each other.. Mr Romsaithong then ask..' What brings you here Mr Karn? Is there anything that I can help you?' Karn then take a deep breath and say.. 'Im sure you know what's happening to my family? Your son has molested my son.. Nattawin.. And now he almost kill my other son.. Apo.. Im begging you Mr Romsaithong.. Please ask your son to stop coming near my family..Thats all I ask..' Mr Romsaithong then reply back..' Very well Mr Karn... I hope that your son will recover soon.. I can fulfill your request Mr Karn.. Please give Nattawin to Mile.. And.. I will leave your family in peace.. 'Mr Karn feel shock as he hear those words from Mr Romsaithong.. Karn then say..' Sir.. Your son already molested my son.. And now you ask me to give Nattawin to your son? No way Mr Romsaithong! I won't do that! 'Mr Karn then get up and stop as he feel a loud shot rang.. Mr Karn then collapse on the floor.. Mr Romsaithong blow his gun and see Mile.. Mile feel shock and ask..' P.. Pa.. I.. is this Mr Karn? Mr Romsaithong then say.. 'I asked him to give Nattawin to you so that you will stop coming near them but this man isn't listening to us.. So I decide to end his life.. The rest is up to you Mile.. Mr Romsaithong then go upstairs and rest..

Mile then call out for his assistant and say.. 'Chan and Leon.. Please help me to bring this stupid corpse back to Wattanangitiphat house.. Now! I don't want to see this bloody corpse inside of my mansion anymore!' Leon and Chan then help to carry Mr Karn and put him into the car and drive away to Wattanangitiphat house.. Mile then smirk and say..' Apo and Nattawin.. Just get ready.. Your turn will be next..'

At Wattanangitiphat house..

Leon and Chan finally arrive at Wattanangitiphat house... Both of them come out from the car and open the gate slowly and put Mr Karn on the floor and leave... Nampheung then say..' Nattawin! Are you done? We need to go to the hospital!' Nattawin then reply back.. 'Yes mom.. Lets go now..' Nattawin open the door and feel shock as he see Mr Karn is laying on the ground.. Nampheung then scream and say.. 'No!! Karn! Who did this to your Pa?!' Nattawin cry and shake his Pa body but no respond.. Nattawin quickly hug his mother and say.. 'Mae.. Please be strong na krub... Pa is already gone...' Nampheung cry in Nattawin's arms and sobbing.. Suddenly, there's a group of man with a black suits come towards Nattawin and Nampheung.. Nattawin then yell.. 'Mae! Run and save your self!' Nampheung then fight with all the strength that she have.. Nattawin punch the man and hit them with vase.. The other man start to attack Nattawin and punch him... Nampheung then yell.. 'Stop! Leave us alone!' Nampheung then kick the man and hit him.. The man then take out the knife and stab Nampheung twice.. Nattawin then yell.. 'Mae!!!' No!! Fuck off your bastard!! 'Nattawin then get up and punch them back.. The other man kick Nattawin stomach until Nattawin fall on the ground..

Nattawin kick the man face and yell..' Go away bastard! 'The man is about to attack Nattawin but stop as he feel someone is pulling him and push him away.. Apo grab the man and punch him twice and yell..' Go and tell to Mile Phakphum.. I will kill that bastard!!! 'Apo hold his stomach and kick that man face and punch them again and again.. Those man run away then leave Apo and Nattawin alone... Nattawin cry and hug Apo tightly and say..' Po... 'Apo kiss his brother forehead and say..' Look at me sweetheart.. 'Apo lift Nattawin' s chin and their eyes meet.. Nattawin kiss Apo's lips softly and say.. 'You.. You are back..' Apo bring Nattawin close to him and say..' back... We need to get out of here... Please wait here..' Nattawin then help Apo to get up and ask.. 'Where are you going Po..' Apo then hold Nattawin's hand and go upstairs and walk towards his parents bedroom and looking for something.. Apo take out his father gun and say.. 'You should stay with Phi Thong.. You can't come with me.. I don't want to lost you again..' Nattawin then reply back.. 'If I die in Mile's hand today..I won't regret it.. Because I have you by my side...' Apo shake his head and see Bible's car stop in front of Wattanangitiphat house.. Bible then get down from his car and feel shock to see Mr Karn and Nampheung already dead... Apo hold his stomach and say..' Bible.. Please help me to take Nattawin out of here.. Keep eye on him.. I must end this war..' Nattawin shake his head and say.. 'No! I won't let you! I already lost both of our parents! Apo then yell..' Don't be stubborn Nattawin Wattanangitiphat! You are everything to me! If you die... I won't be able to forgive my self! Enough with this! Bible.. Please take him now! 'Apo then grab his car keys and get into the car and drive away to Romsaithong mansion.. Bible then say..' Nattawin.. You should listen to Apo.. He loves you so much na krub.. 'Nattawin shake his head and say..' Take me to Apo.. Please Bible.. 'Bible sigh heavily and say..' Fine Nattawin.. get into my car now.. 'Bible and Nattawin then leave the house and drive away to Romsaithong mansion.. Nattawin then speak in his heart..' Po.. Please wait for me.. I will come to you.. '

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