Chapter 3

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Bible pov..

Bible finally arrive at his house..Thong who is taking fresh air shock as he see Bible with Apo.. Becky then come out and ask.. 'Phi Bible kha.. Why you bring Phi Apo to our house na kha? What happened to him?' Thong then help to carry Apo as well and put him to lie down on the sofa... Becky then say.. 'I will take a blanket na kha..' Becky quickly go upstairs to take a blanket while Thong take a wet towel then pass it to Bible and say.. 'You should wipe his forehead and neck.. Do it gently.. He definitely need to rest..' Bible nod and feel his phone buzz and see Jeff name on it then say.. 'Phi.. Please help me to answer the phone call.. Im busy right now..' Thong sigh slowly and answer the phone call and say.. 'Hello Jeff?' Jeff then say.. 'Phi.. Please tell Bible that his twin brother is looking for Apo.. Nattawin is really worry right now..' Thong reply back and say.. 'Please tell to Nattawin that Apo is here with me.. Bible is taking care of him.. Apo is already drunk.. Bible found him at the bar then decide to bring him here.. Don't worry Jeff.. Apo will be fine.. He need to rest..' Jeff sigh as well then hung up his phone..

At Wattanangitiphat house..

Jeff pov..

Jeff is looking at Nattawin then say..' Don't worry Nattawin.. Apo is fine.. Bible found him at the bar in drunk condition.. Right now.. Apo is at Bible house.. Nattawin cover his face and say..' Its all my fault Jeff.. But you know those gang.. They keep bully me and Bas... 'Jeff then ask..' What have they done to you Nattawin? Please tell me so that I can report to the principal later.. 'Nattawin shake his head and say..' No need Jeff.. You don't have to do that...Apo will get into trouble because of me again.. I didn't want to put anyone into trouble.. Neither you or Apo or Bas.. Let me handle those gang by my self'..Jeff sigh heavily and reply back.. 'No wonder Apo is like that.. Its because you are too soft Nattawin.. Try to be brave like your younger brother.. Its time for me to go home now Nattawin.. Please be careful.. Erm.. Anyway.. Could you please give me your phone?' Without asking any questions.. Nattawin take out his phone and give it to Jeff.. Jeff then take it and give it back to Nattawin and say..' "I already put my number in the contact list.. If anything.. You know where to find me.. 'Nattawin nod and smile at Jeff.. Jeff kiss Nattawin lips softly and say..' I promise Nattawin.. I will take care of you and protect you from those gang'..Nattawin quickly get out from Jeff car and go into the house..

At night...

Apo pov..

Apo open his eyes slowly and feel his head is about to explode.. Bible then come towards Apo and sit beside him with a med in his hand and ask.. 'Apo.. You are Apo right?.. Look.. Im truly sorry because I mistaken you as Nattawin..' Apo look at Bible then ask.. 'Why? Why did you bring me here?What actually happened to me?' Bible then give Apo a bowl of porridge and feed him slowly.. Apo open his mouth and say.. 'I.. I can eat it by myself.. Wichapas Sumettikul..' Bible shake his head and keep feeding Apo.. Apo continue eating the porridge until finish and take a med then eat it.. Apo drink the water slowly and say.. 'I really need to go back now Bible.. My family must be worry about me..' Bible stare at Apo beautiful face and say.. 'Its already late Apo.. Besides.. Your car is still at school.. I have a spare clothes for you to wear.. Phi Thong and Becky already sleeping.. So don't worry.. You can sleep in my room.. This house only have 3 room.. Come on.. Lets go upstairs..' Bible then take the bowl and wash it while Apo turn off the switch then follow Bible to go upstairs.. Bible open the door and say.. You can go to the bathroom and take a shower while I will prepare a clothes for you to wear...' Apo nod then walk straight towards the bathroom and take a warm shower..Apo is standing under the shower while his mind is full with the thought about his twin brother.. Apo then speak in his heart' I need to do something.. I must protect Nattawin.. But how?Should I study in the same class as him or.... Should I just let Nattawin to take over my place until I find a way to destroy Mile and his 2 minions? 'Apo feel shock as he hear a knock from outside.. Apo clear his throat and speak..' Give me another 5 minutes! 'Bible then reply back' Its ok.. Take your time.. 'After 5 minutes later.. Apo come out from the bathroom and see Bible is reading.. Bible then turn his gaze towards Apo and gulp.. Apo frown and ask..'Erm..Bible.. Are you alright?' Bible put his book away and walk towards Apo and trap him near the wall.. Apo look at Bible and ask.. 'W.. What are you doing..' Bible smile softly and suddenly put his hand inside the towel and squeeze Apo's junior gently.. Apo gasp while looking at Bible and say.. 'Bible.. Stop it... What are you doing... Mmmhh...' Bible kiss Apo's forehead and say.. Don't wear anything and lay down on the bed ok? Bible then take another towel to dry Apo's hair while Apo sit down on the bed.. Apo then look at Bible again and speak in his heart..' Bible.. If I dissappear.. Will you hate me?' Bible smile at Apo then sit beside him and ask.. 'Is there anything in your mind hmm? You look distracted..' Apo shake his head and say.. 'Nothing.. I just miss Nattawin...Maybe he is already sleeping by now..' Bible then cover Apo with a blanket while pulling the towel away from him and start to humming a lullaby.. Apo turn off the switch and fall asleep with Bible..

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