Chapter 17

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Next day at the hospital..

Nattawin pov..

Nattawin open his eyes slowly and see Nampheung is sitting in front of him while reading a book.. Nampheung then noticed Nattawin is awake and ask.. 'Apo?You are awake!' Suddenly, there's a door open.. The doctor along with a nurse come towards Nattawin and check on him.. The doctor smile at Nampheung and say.. 'This is such a miracle.. Apo is such a strong man..' Nattawin feel a sharp pain and say... 'W.. Who a.. am I...? Nampheung then reply back..' Your name is Apo Wattanangitiphat.. You are Nattawin's younger twin brother.. Right now.. Nattawin is missing... 'Nattawin then speak in his heart..' Apo? Why does that name sounds very familiar to me? Missing? Apo is missing? '.. Nattawin starts to feel sad and ask..' Im sorry but.. what kind of person that I was..? Nampheung smile at Nattawin and reply back.. 'Po.. You are such a brave men.. You got injured.. But Nattawin managed to save your life in Huahin..' Nampheung then give the sticky note to Nattawin and say.. 'If you can see it.. This is Nattawin' s handwriting.. He left this on that table.. Luckily the nurse called Mae na kha.. 'Nattawin smile and hug Nampheung and say..' Mae.. Please forgive Apo na krub.. Apo make you worry too much.. '

Suddenly, there's a door open.. Jeff come into Nattawin' s ward with a bouquet of rose in his hands.. Nattawin feel his heart beat quite fast as he see Jeff.. Jeff smile a little and say.. 'Good morning Apo.. Im here to visit you and I want to give you this..' Jeff give the bouquet of rose to Nattawin.. Nattawin take it gently and smell it then say.. 'Thank you so much..' Jeff reach out his hand to Nattawin and say.. 'Im Jeff.. Im telling you this because you didn't remember me..' Nattawin shake hands with Jeff and smile softly...Jeff then speak in his heart.. 'This smile really remind me of you, Nattawin.. Why you are refused to return?' Nattawin notice Jeff is already sink in his own thoughts and ask.. 'Erm.. Jeff...are you alright? What are you thinking about?' Nampheung then quitely leave Nattawin's ward to give them a privacy.. Jeff then answers back'.. Well, the way you smiling just now really remind me of Nattawin.. His smile always make me feel calm.. And.. I feel surprised because your smile is really similar to Nattawin.. 'Nattawin then ask.. What kind of person Nattawin was?' Jeff smile and say.. 'Nattawin is kind and gentle.. Also caring.. Passionate.. I feel very comfortable when Im with him.. The same feeling that I feel right now when Im with you.. Apo..'Nattawin feel hesitate at first.. Nattawin then pull Jeff into his embrace and rub Jeff's back gently.. Jeff then smell Nattawin' s neck and kiss it gently.. Nattawin speak in his heart.. 'Why I feel comfortable with Jeff? His face is familiar.. but why I can't remember anything..?' Jeff let go of the embrace and kiss Nattawin's forehead and say..I love you Apo'..Nattawin then kiss Jeff cheek all of a sudden then blush.. Jeff pull Nattawin into his embrace and say.. 'I will accompany you..' Nattawin nod and rest himself into Jeff's embrace..

At Bible's condo..

Bible pov..

Bible open his eyes and feel the other side of the bed is empty.. Bible start to feel panic and quickly wear his outfits and come out from his room and walk towards the kitchen then see Apo is cooking.. Bible breath out of relief as he see Apo is still here with him.. Bible walk towards Apo and hug him from behind and kiss his cheek and shoulder then ask.. 'What are you cooking for breakfast sweetheart?' Apo turn his face and kiss Bible's lips shortly and reply back.. 'Im heating a mushroom soup.. I already make a toast with a baked beans.. Hopefully you will like it na krub..' Bible smile softly and tighten the hugs and say.. 'Sweetheart..?' Apo humming in respond while focus on the cooking.. Bible then reply back.. 'I hope you will reconsider your decision to work as a bartender.. That's not a right place for you sweetheart..' Apo turn off the stove and turn around then hug his lover neck and say.. 'Well.. I can't turn back now.. I can't return baby.. This is where I belong...' Bible put his hands around Apo's waist and kiss his forehead and ask.. 'Do you love your family?' Apo nod and say.. 'I love them very much.. But.. If I return.. I will bring a trouble.. Especially to Nattawin... I almost lost him Bible.. I can't lost him again..' Apo feel his cheek is wet... Bible then kiss those tears and comfort Apo.. Apo hide his face towards Bible's chest and say..' I won't go to school.. 'Bible feel shock and ask with a serious tone..' What did you just say Apo? 'Apo then reply back with a sad tone..' Don't make me repeat Wichapas Sumettikul.. My decision is final..I won't return to school.. 'Bible hold both of Apo's hand and ask..' Sweetheart.. do you mind to tell me.. What's actually is happening right now? Why are you switching the place with Nattawin? Right now.. Everyone is thinking that.. 'Bible words got cut off by Apo.. Apo then ask again..' Think that Nattawin is dead? Apo chuckle sadly and say.. 'He is still alive..' Bible pull Apo to sit down beside him and reply back.. 'Please tell me what happened to both of you during the trip in Huahin.. Please tell me everything.. You can share it with me sweetheart..'

Apo take a deep breath and say.. 'When we arrived at in Huahin.. Nattawin told me he wants to use a bathroom.. I told him that I will accompany him but he is refused.. Bible nod and stroke Apo' s arms gently.. Apo then continue.. 'By the time I was looking for him.. I saw he got molested by Mile and JJ.. They even took turn to molested him.. JJ recorded everything.. They left Nattawin just like that... Nattawin then jumped into the water to end his life.. I managed to saved his life and brought him back to Bangkok with 2 men who lives there.. At that time.. I couldn't think about anything except about Nattawin's life.. If he died at that time.. I won't be able to forgive my self.. That's why I ran away... I thought I can hide forever.. But I end up meeting you instead.. Then I met Jeff and Gulf.. As for Jeff.. he consider me as Nattawin just like you did.. Then Gulf came in the right time and took me to the restaurant.. He is the 1st person to know that Im Apo.. not Nattawin.. I don't know how Gulf is able to found me.. 'Bible kiss Apo' s lips softly and deepen the kiss.. Apo hug Bible's neck and deepen the kiss as well.. Bible then touch their foreheads and say.. 'Let's have a breakfast then.. We will go to the hospital..' Apo quickly shake his head and reply back.. 'No sweetheart.. Not for now..' Apo avoid Bible's gaze towards him.. Bible lift Apo's chin and kiss Apo's lips softly and answers back.. 'Im with you baby.. I will protect you.. I promise.. Lets have a breakfast then we will go to the hospital..' Apo nod and eat breakfast with Bible..

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