Chapter 18

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After Bible and Apo are done with the breakfast.. Both of them decides to go to the hospital to visit Nattawin... After 15 minutes of driving.. Bible and Apo finally arrives at the hospital.. Apo hold his chest as he start to feel nervous.. Bible take Apo's hand and kiss it gently then say.. 'Everything will be fine sweetheart.. You just need to act like Nattawin..' Apo sigh heavily while look at Bible.. Bible kiss Apo's forehead for a few minutes and say.. 'I believe in you sweetheart.. I know you can do this.. There's nothing to be afraid of.. You saved Nattawin' s life.. And Nattawin is the luckiest person in this world because he had you as his twin brother who loves him very much.. Now.. we need to go inside.. 'Apo nod and about to get out from the car but got stop by Bible.. Bible smile at Apo and say..' You need this sweetheart.. 'Apo look at the spectacles and take it.. Apo then wear it and ask..' How do I look right now? 'Bible stroke Apo's head and reply back.. You look handsome as always.. Let's go'.. Apo take a deep breath and get out from Bible's car..

Both of them go in and walk straight towards the elevator then go in.. Bible press number 5 button and say.. 'Don't worry my love.. Im here with you..' Apo smile at Bible then see the elevator is open again.. 'Bible and Apo come out from the elevator.. Bible hold Apo's hand and say..' Come on sweetheart.. 'Apo follow up from behind with a heavy feelings.. Bible then stop in front of Nattawin' s ward and say.. 'Sweetheart.. this is Nattawin' s ward.. Your mom and dad are here.. I think Jeff already went home.. 'Apo then look at Bible and say..' I can't do this sweetheart... Please let me go now.. 'Bible shake his head and reply back..' I trust you sweetheart.. Let's go inside.. '

Bible open the door and go in and say..' Sawadeekap aunty and uncle..Nampheung and Karn smile at Bible while Apo start to feel more nervous than before... Karn then ask..' How are you doing Bible? 'Bible smile at Karn then reply back..' Im fine Uncle Karn.. How is Apo? 'Nampheung then reply back' Apo already awake just now.. But after Jeff left... he decide to rest then fall asleep.. 'Bible take a deep breath and say..' Actually.. I come here with Nattawin.. He want to meet you both 'Karn and Nampheung feel shock as they hear Nattawin' s name.. Bible then move to the other side to give a space for Apo to come inside.. Apo look at his parents with fear and bow his head without even saying anything.. Nampheung stroke Apo's head and crying.. Karn quickly pull Apo to him and give him a tight hug.. Apo cry in his father embrace and say.. 'Pa.. Mae.. I really miss you both..' Apo sobbing and return those hugs.. Nampheung then say.. 'Nattawin.. We thought that we already lost you na kha...' Apo then turn his gaze towards his older brother who is sleeping on the bed.. Bible then walk towards Nattawin and stroke Nattawin's head while his eyes are on Apo... Apo nod a little as he give Bible a permission to do it..Bible kiss Nattawin' s forehead gently and speak in his heart.. 'Nattawin.. Apo is here.. Please wake up.. Please open your eyes..' Apo then approach towards Nattawin and hold his hand tight.. Apo then say.. 'Please wake up Apo.. Please open your eyes.. Im right here..' Nattawin open his eyes and look at Apo and Bible... Nattawin look at his twin brother deeply and ask.. 'Mae.. Pa.. Is this Nattawin...?' Apo nod and reply back.. 'Yes.. Im Nattawin.. Your twin brother.. Im sorry because I left you.. But Im here right now..'Nattawin is about to get up but got stop by Bible.. Bible then say..' Please don't move too much Apo.. You still need to rest.. Nattawin is here.. He won't leave you anymore.. Don't worry about it.. Anyway.. I must go home now.. And Apo.. I will see you again..' Bible avoid Apo's gaze on him and bow his head then leave the ward.. Nattawin then try to get up.. Apo sigh slowly and help Nattawin to sit properly... Nattawin quickly hug Apo and say..' Nattawin.. Please never ever dissappear out of my sight again.. 'Apo stroke Nattawin' s head and nod in respond... Nampheung and Karn smile at each other then say.. 'We must go home now.. Nattawin.. Could you please help us to look after Apo?' Apo nod and reply back.. 'Of course mae.. Pa.. I will look after him.. Off you go now..' Karn and Nampheung give Nattawin a kiss and hug then leave the hospital..

Suddenly, there's a door open.. Apo turn around and feel shock as hee see Mile and JJ.. Nattawin hide behind Apo and start to feel scared.. Apo then look at them with a murderous expression and ask with a cold tone.. 'What the hell you both doing here? Please leave my younger brother alone..' Mile smirk and smack Apo's head and say.. 'Hey Nattawin.. Apo is just came back from dead..You know that too right?' Apo smirk and ask.. 'Then? What am I supposed to do?Mile then reply back..' Well.. Maybe.. We can have a fun with you tonight.. 'Nattawin then say..'Please leave us alone or I'll call a doctor!' Apo start to get worry and reply back.. 'You've heard him Mile.. Please leave Apo alone.. He is still sick! Can't you see it?' Mile then grab Nattawin's neck and kiss him roughly.. JJ then look at Mile with an evil smirk on his face.. Apo then pull Mile away from Nattawin and punch him until he fall on the floor.. Apo then yell..' Nurse! Doctor! Please help me to drag these bastard out from here!' The doctor quickly come in and drag Mile and JJ out from the ward and chase them out.. Nattawin tremble in fear and cry.. Apo pull Nattawin into his arms and say.. 'Its ok.. Nattawin.. Its ok.. Im right here.. Shh.. Its OK sweetheart..' Nattawin look at Apo with a confuse expression and ask.. 'Nattawin? Who is Nattawin? Im Apo Wattanangitiphat.. My name is Apo Wattanangitiphat..' Apo gasp as he realize that he is accidentally reveal the truth.. Apo cupping his twin brother cheeks and kiss Nattawin's forehead and say.. 'Its doesn't matter who you are right now.. The most important thing is we are together.. As long as Im here.. I won't let anyone come near you or do something to you Nattawin.. That is my promise to you..' Nattawin hug Apo and close his eyes... Apo then hear a soft snore and notice his twin brother already fall asleep in his arms.. Apo lay his twin brother slowly on the bed then fix the blanket.. Apo phone buzz and see Bible' s name and pick up the phone and say... 'Hello Bible?' Bible then reply back.. 'Sweetheart.. Is everything alright there? I was really worried about you..' Apo then reply back.. 'Im fine Bible.. Don't worry.. Nattawin is sleeping right now.. I can't tolerate anymore.. Mile and JJ come here and disturb my twin brother.. To be honest.. I should just send them to the police..' Bible clear his throat and reply back.. 'Please calm down first sweetheart.. You are angry right now.. Don't let your anger control you.. Please watch over Nattawin... Then.. We will discuss about a new plan..' Apo frown and ask.. 'What kind of plan?' Bible chuckle and reply back.. 'I will tell you later.. I will return to the hospital to visit Nattawin again.. But remember Apo.. Please make sure that Nattawin won't say anything about this matter to Uncle Karn and Aunt Nampheung.. Or else.. everything will be ruin.. Do you understand my love? 'Apo then say..' Yes.. I know Bible.. I will take care of Nattawin here.. Don't worry.. I will see you later na krub.. 'Apo then hung up his phone and continue to accompany Nattawin..

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