Chapter 30

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At school..

Mew pov...

Mew is looking at Mile and JJ with a murderous look and ask.. 'What you both had done? Mile and JJ still silent and didn't answer.. Mew bang the table and made those 2 flinch backwards... JJ then answers with a stutter voice..' W.. We j..just..b..bully h.. him.. 'Mile still silent and didn't say anything yet.. Mew then pick up the phone and dial the numbers and say...' Hello? Is this Mr Mile's parents? I would like to ask you both to come to the school right now.. I have something to discuss with you both.. Thank you..' Mile then dial another number and say.. 'Hello? Is this Mr JJ's mother? I would like you to come to school today.. I have a very important matter that I need to discuss with you.. Thank you'.. Mile and JJ then look at each other while thinking what's gonna happen to them later..

At the motel...

Nattawin pov..

Nattawin open his eyes and see Apo is already get dress.. Nattawin then ask.. 'Po.. Where are you going?' Apo smile at Nattawin then say.. 'You will stay here.. I must go to work..' Nattawin then get up and hug Apo from behind and say.. 'Po..please don't go.. Im begging you to stay here..' Apo turn around and ask.. 'Should I ask Jeff to come here to accompany you hmm?' Nattawin roll his eyes and reply back.. 'Po.. I already told you didn't I? I don't need Jeff! I just need you with me! Why can't you understand that?!' Nattawin feel angry at Apo until decide to ignore Apo... Apo then sit beside Nattawin and hear a sniffing.. Apo hug Nattawin from behind and say..' Ssh.. Ssh.. Its OK.. Im sorry sweetheart.. Im truly sorry... I didn't mean to make you cry... Please forgive me na krub..' Nattawin then turn around and hug Apo then hide his face towards Apo's chest and cry.. Apo stroke Nattawin's head gently and kiss his forehead and reply back..' Alright.. I will accompany you.. Now.. Its already 2 pm..

Nattawin play with Apo's chest while looking at him.. Apo kiss Nattawin' s lips softly and rub their nose together.. Nattawin then say.. 'I only want you Po.. I just want you to stay by my side.. Not Jeff..'Apo sigh slowly and nod slowly then reply..' As you wish sweetheart.. 'Apo phone buzzing and see Bible's name on it.. Apo then answer the call and say' Hello? What's the matter Bible? 'Nattawin start to get naughty and take off Apo' s boxer and put aside.. Apo then look at Nattawin with.. 'Dont do it' expression.. Apo then ask.. 'What? Mile and JJ parents will come to school? Are you serious sweetheart?' Nattawin start to play with his twin brother junior again.. Apo bite his lips to prevent him from moaning.. Apo stroke Nattawin's head gently and say.. 'B.. Bible.. I.. I will call you back later..' Apo quickly hung up the phone and push his twin brother to lay back on the bed... Nattawin trace Apo's face gently while looking at him with a full of love.. Apo suck Nattawin's finger slowly and fold the blanket a bit and say...' Nattawin... 'Nattawin stroke Apo's head gently and say..' Do it Po.. Please... 'Apo slowly lick Nattawin's junior gently.. Nattawin squeeze the bed sheet and squirm.. Apo then bite Nattawin' s junior a bit and make Nattawin moan and flinch.. Nattawin smile at his brother and say.. 'Po.. Please.. Aaaah..'

Apo then ask.. 'Please what hmm?' Nattawin then say.. 'More... Please..' Apo then touch their foreheads and say.. 'I love you too Nattawin.. You are my world..' Apo then speak in his heart.. 'But.. If anything happen to me later... Promise me.. You won't cry na krub.. There's something that I need to settle by my self..' Nattawin kiss Apo's lips softly and ask.. 'Sweetheart.. My Po.. What's wrong hmm? Why you stop all of a sudden?'

Apo then reply back.. 'We need to go back Nattawin.. Lets tell the truth to our parents.. We can't keep lying like this anymore.. If our parents hate me for lying.. I will leave the house and I will live by my own..' Nattawin shake his head and say.. 'If you leave the house.. I will leave as well..I don't want to saperate with you anymore.. Im tired Po... Why you need to saved my life if you want to leave me later?' Apo smile at him and answer 'Because.. You are the reason why Im here..' Nattawin kiss Apo's lips softly and ask.. 'What will you do now Po? Im afraid to lose you..' Apo then say.. 'Im not going anywhere.. Come on.. Lets go back and tell our parents the truth..You don't have to say anything.. Just stand behind me and don't speak.. Just answer if Mae and Pa ask you a question.. Understand?' Nattawin kiss Apo's lips softly and say.. 'Lets get dress and go back..' Both of them then get dress and go back..

At school..

Mew smile as he see Mile parents along with JJ's mother already arrives.. Mr Romsaithong then ask with a serious tone.. Why you asked us to come here? Is something happen to my son?' Mrs Romsaithong then look at Mile with a worry expression as well..' Bible then knock the door and come in and say.. 'Mr Mew.. Please check Mile and JJ bag pack.. You might found something..' Mew then take Mile bag and found nothing.. Bible then take JJ's bag and found a camera inside then give it to Mew.. Mew rise his eyebrows and ask.. 'Why you have this camera JJ? The school trip is already over.. Why you still bring this camera to school?' Bible then reply back.. 'Try to open it Mr Mew.. The answers is already inside of the camera..' Bible smirk at them while Mr Mew switch on the camera.. Mr Mew then see a video and play the video.. Mew feel shock and show those video to Mile and JJ parents... Mile and JJ bow their heads without even saying any words.. Mr Romsaithong then yell..' How could you do that huh?! Your bastard! We sent you to school so that you can become a human! What have you done?!!' Mrs Romsaithong hug Mile and say.. 'Dear.. Please tell us the truth? Is it true?'

JJ then kneel down in front of his mother and say... 'Ma.. Please forgive JJ na krub...' JJ mother feels disappointed with his son behaviour and say.. 'Lets go home now JJ'.. Mew clear his throat and reply back.. 'As a school principal.. I will give them a chance... Since Mile's parents was a founder of this school.. But.. If I see this kind of attitude again.. I will expell Mile and JJ from this school..' Both of the parents quickly leave the school.. Bible suddenly remember about Apo and Nattawin.. Mew frown and ask..' What is actually happened? I saw someone got molested but I can't see who's that person.. 'Bible take a deep breath and reply back..' It was Nattawin sir.. Nattawin got molested by Mile and JJ during the trip in Huahin.. 'Mew cover his face and sigh heavily then ask..' How could this thing happened Bible? Then.. Where are they right now? 'Bible smile and say..' Don't worry too much sir.. Both of them are fine.. Apo switched places with Nattawin to make him feel safe.. 'Mew then say..' Alright.. Thank you for the information Bible.. You may go now.. 'Bible bow his head and leave the office room'

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