Chapter 26

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Apo pov....

Apo finally arrive at the Hum Bar and see Phi Khong is cleaning the bar.. While Phi Jeed and Phi Yok are busy  chatting with each other.. Khong then noticed Apo's presence and ask.. 'Aow.. Porsche! Where have you been?!' Phi Jeed and Phi Yok rush towards Apo then noticed there's a bruise on Apo's face.. Phi Jeed then touch it and ask.. 'What happen to you Porsche? Who did this to you na kha?' Apo smile at her and reply back.. 'Well.. Its no one fault.. I accidentally hit the pole.. That's why I look like this na krub.. Don't worry.. Its not that painful..' Apo then keep his bag inside the locker and start working..

As Apo is busy working.. Suddenly, Gulf come towards him and pull him to go out.. Apo frown and ask..' Gulf?What are you doing here? What if Bible see you? 'Gulf hug Apo and say...'I miss you Po.. How are you doing hmm?' Apo nod and reply back.. 'Im doing fine Gulf.. And.. How about you? I'm truly sorry about what Bible had done to you.. Im sorry because I wasn't able to stop him..' Gulf then touch those bruise and ask.. 'Who the heck did this to you? Is it Mile and JJ?' Apo sigh heavily and say.. 'They keep target Nattawin...' Gulf then reply back.. 'Then you must return to school and take over Nattawin' s place.. Do you have any proof to show that Mile and JJ are guilty? 'Apo nod and say...' I saw everything Gulf.. By the way.. Is there any news about Jeff? 'Gulf shake his head and reply back..' No.. I didn't hear anything about Jeff.. Why?What's the matter? 'Apo smile at Gulf and say..' Actually.. Nattawin already regain his memory back.. But for now.. We still need to switch places.. That's my plan for now Gulf.. If this plan is fail.. Then, I will come up with another plan..'Gulf shake his head and reply back..' Apo.. When you gonna think about your self? Until when you willing to sacrifice your self for others?'Apo then say..' You won't understand because you aren't in my place Gulf.. Nattawin and I are twin brothers who shared a same soul..We are always connected.. If one of us is in danger.. We need to protect each other.. I love Nattawin so much.. Until I.. I had a sex with him... Its true.. Mile and JJ came to the hospital and molested Nattawin again.. Luckily I arrived right in time.. Then Bible also came to rescue.. Jeff as well... But.. Jeff got slapped by Nattawin because Nattawin is still trauma with everything that happened to him..'

Gulf is silent for a while and say..' Po.. I need to go back now.. Don't let Mile and JJ see you here.. 'Apo nod and say..' Off you go now.. 'Gulf give Apo a short hug then leave.. Yok then come towards Apo and ask..' Porsche.. Someone is looking for you.. He also bring a friends.. 'Apo then go back inside and smile as he see Bible.. Pong and Job along with Bas and Nodt.. Apo  then say..' Hey guys.. 'Nodt then frown and ask...' Wow Nattawin? Is this really you huh? 'Apo chuckle and say..' Yeah.. Its me.. Nattawin.. Wait here.. I will go and make a drinks.. 'Bas frown as well and notice something is odd but decides to ignore it..' Bible clear his throat and watch over Apo from far.. Bible smile at him and keep staring.. Pong snap his fingers infront of Bible's face and ask.. 'Dude.. What are you staring at? Nattawin is belongs to Jeff.. Not you..' Job nod and say.. 'Yes.. Pong is right.. Why you keep staring? Or.. You already fell in love with Nattawin right now?' Nodt and Bas look at each other as well then look at Apo.. Apo then come towards them and serve those drinks on the table.. Bas then ask.. 'Erm.. Nattawin.. How is your relationship with Jeff?' Bible take a glass and take a sip while stare at Apo.. Apo clear his throat then answers back.. 'We are fine... Just.. Jeff is quite busy nowdays..Excuse me.. I still got a lot of work to do.. I will catch up with you guys again..' Apo then leave them and continue his work... Apo feel his heart beat fast and mutter to himself.. 'God.. What kind of question is that..'?

The clock strike at 10 pm.. Apo start to feel tired and decide to smoking... Apo is about to go out but then see Mile all alone.. Mile then say.. 'Phi.. Im thirsty.. Please ask someone to make a drink na krub..' Yok nod and walk towards Porsche then say.. 'Ai Porsche.. That man want a drink.. Please make it for him na krub..' Apo shake his head and say.. 'Please ask Phi Khong.. I want to take a rest for a while phi Yok..' Apo quitely sneak out from the bar by using a back door.. Khong then come towards Mile and serve the drink for him and say.. 'I hope you will enjoy it na krub..' Mile then say.. 'Wait.. Where is the person who make this drink?' Yok then cut off their conversation and say.. 'He is already go home na krub..' Mile smirk and see Apo is going back inside then say.. 'Is that Nattawin?Is he the one who always make a drink?' Apo then walk towards Mile and ask with an annoying tone.. 'What the hell do you want from me bastard?' Mile smirk and reply back.. 'Go and make a new drink.. And as for you.. While pointing to Yok and phi Khong..'Please give us a privacy for a while..' Apo then ignore Mile then go to the counter to make the drink and serve it to Mile.. Mile then drink it slowly and say.. 'Ermm.. What a good taste Nattawin..' Apo roll his eyes and say.. 'I need to go back now.. Its already late' Mile hold Apo's hand and ask.. 'How come you can still survive Nattawin? I even molested you remember?' Apo smirk at Mile then reply back...'Well..the one who should supposed to die.. is you Mile Phakphum.. this is my last warning.. Stay away from Apo or else.. You will die.. Got it?' Apo is about to leave again as he see Mile pull him and push Apo towards the wall.. Apo then look at Mile with a serious expression and ask again..' What the hell is wrong with you huh?'Mile suddenly start to molest Apo.. Apo smirk and speak in his heart and say..' Dumbass.. You still think I as Nattawin huh? Fine.. I will show you a real deal.. 'Apo push Mile away and punch him twice and yell..'Stay away from me! And stay away from Apo bastard!' Apo kick Mile twice and grab his bag from the locker and leave the bar..

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