Chapter 12

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In Apo's room..

Apo who is done shower..decide to take a nap since he feel tired.. Suddenly.. Nattawin appear and sit beside Apo then say.. 'Apo.. I want to sleep here with you..' Apo nod and move to the other side to give Nattawin a space to lay down.. 'Nattawin notice Apo' s eyes are swollen then ask.. 'Po.. Are you ok hmm? What's wrong?' Apo pull his twin brother into his embrace and say.. 'Nothing phi.. Im just tired.. Have you decide which outfit you gonna wear for tomorrow?' Nattawin nod and answers.. 'I will wear a casual outfit.. What about you Po?' Apo smile at him then say.. 'I will wear a tshirt with a quater sleeves with a jeans and cap.. In case the weather is hot..' Suddenly.. Their conversation got cut off by a sudden door knock.. Both Nattawin and Apo get up and fix their position and see their parents standing in front of the door.. Apo then say..' Come on in Mae.. Pa.. 'Nattawin smile softly at them then ask..' Is there anything that we can help you both? 'Nampheung stroke Nattawin' s head then reply back.. 'We are just checking on you both.. Its have been such a long time since we had a vacation together.. And now you both will have a school trip..We feel really worry about you both..' Apo hug Nampheung while Nattawin hug Karn.. Karn then kiss Nattawin's head and say..' Please listen to the teacher and always stay close to each other.. We will see you both again.. 'Nampheung kiss both Apo' s cheek and say.. 'Mae will miss you both so much..' Apo smirk and reply back.. 'Well.. This is the only chance for you both to make love so that we can have another little brother..' Nattawin shake his head and cover Apo's mouth and reply back..'Mae..Pa..please don't listen to this bastard... He doesn't know what he is saying.. Please ignore it na krub..' Apo laugh out loud then lay back down on his bed.. Nampheung and Karn look at each other with a smile on their faces.. Nattawin then say.. 'You both should have a rest.. We must wake up early tomorrow..' Karn and Nampheung nod then leave Apo's room and go back to their room..Nattawin lay down beside Apo and notice Apo is already fall asleep.. Nattawin kiss Apo's forehead and sleep... Apo open his eyes again and speak in his heart..' If one of us need to suffer.. It should be me Nattawin..' Apo close his eyes and sleep again..

Next morning..

Apo pov..

Apo wake up and see Nattawin is already get dress then greet his twin brother.. 'Good morning my beloved twin brother.. You look very handsome today..' Nattawin smile at his twin brother and reply back.. 'You should wake up now Po.. Mae and Pa is preparing breakfast for both us.. Its not proper to make them to keep waiting..I will be waiting for you in the kitchen ok?' Nattawin stroke Apo's hair gently and leave his room.. Apo yawn and take his phone and smile softly as he see a text message from Bible.. Po then read it silently' Good morning my sunshine.. I can't wait to see you for today.. Please dress nicely for me na krub.. I will see you later.. I love you.. 'Apo shake his head and walk towards the bathroom to take a warm shower..

After 10 minutes later..

Apo go downstairs and see Bible is having a breakfast with Nattawin.. Nampheung and Karn.. Apo walk towards them and sit beside Bible and ask' Since when you were here Bible?'Bible show his peace sign and continue eating.. Nattawin chuckle and reply back..' It seems that I need to go to school with you both today.. 'Bible nod in respond then reply back..' Its not a big deal Nattawin.. I already considered you as my friend too since Im dating your twin brother.. 'Apo choke and cough..Nattawin immediately give Apo a glass of water and say..' We need to go now.. Or else.. We gonna be late! 'Nampheung then take Apo' s hand and tie the handkerchief around Apo's wrist and say.. Always wear that ok.. The weather might be hot..'Apo then ask..' What about Nattawin? 'Nattawin smile and reply back..' I already have a packet of tissue.. 'Bible then say..' Aunty.. Uncle.. We must go now.. 'Karn and Nampheung hug both of their son and send him towards the gate.. Bible, Apo and Nattawin wave at the elders and get into the car.. Bible press the horn and start to drive to school..

At school..


All students already arrive at school while waiting for the bus to come.. Job then see Bas is walking towards him and say.. 'Good morning cutie.. How are you doing?' Bas roll his eyes and reply back.. 'As you can see.. Im fine.. Where is Pong?' Pong then appear out of nowhere then say.. 'Im right here..' Bas then see Mile and JJ also arrive and ignore them.. Nodt look at them and say.. 'Its OK guys... Just ignore them ok?' Bas once again roll his eyes and ask with a cold tone.. 'You really think I can stay silent after what both of them had done to Nattawin and Apo?' Job rub Bas's back body slowly and say.. 'Don't worry too much na krub Bas..' Mile and JJ then join Nodt.. Job and Pol and ask 'So, where is that Nattawin and his twin brother?' JJ then reply back.. 'Im afraid both of them are scared of us.. Thats why they aren't here yet..'

Apo, Bible and Nattawin finally arrive at the school and see Thong, Mew and Davikah with Gulf are waiting for them.. Gulf smile as he see Apo then say.. 'Hey Po.. Hey Nattawin.. Sawadeekap nong Bible..' Bible fake his smile and reply back.. 'Yes.. Hello..' Mew suddenly speak up 'Alright students!Please come over here and gather!! We will have short briefing before we leave the school later!'All the students come towards the teacher and stay silent.. Apo hold Nattawin and Bible hands.. Mile then say with a mocking tone..' Ooh.. Look at those guys.. Are they a gay something? 'Some of the students start to laugh at them.. Apo is about to punch Mile but immediately got stop by Bible and Nattawin.. Nattawin then whisper to Apo, and say..' Please Po.. Don't do it or else we will get into trouble because of them'.. Bible give Apo a signal to calm down.. Apo sigh slowly and stay silent again..

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