Chapter 4

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Next morning..

Nattawin pov..

Nattawin open his eyes slowly and notice a pair of hands are wrapping around his waist.. Nattawin feel shock as he see Apo is sleeping peacefully behind him.. Nattawin then speak in his heart.. 'Since when Apo is here? I thought he slept at Bible's house..' Nattawin turn his body slowly to facing Apo.. Nattawin then start to stroke his twin brother face gently with a soft smile on his face... Apo open his eyes slowly and say.. 'I know Im handsome.. Stop staring at me.. Or else you will drooling..' Apo tighten his hug around his twin brother waist and kiss Nattawin's cheek gently.. Nattawin then reply back.. 'You didn't have any idea how much do I worry about you Apo.. Where have you been last night hmm? What actually happened to you?' Apo answer those questions with a calm tone.. 'Get up and take a shower Nattawin.. Look at the time now..' Apo turn his body to another side and sleep again.. Nattawin feel annoy by his younger brother attitude then smack Apo's back body with a pillow.. Apo then tickle Nattawin waist until Nattawin's head accidentally hit the bed head.. Apo chuckle while looking at his twin and touch their foreheads together.. Nattawin then kiss Apo's forehead and say.. 'Now.. Please answer me.. Where have you been?'

Apo fix his position and bring Nattawin's head towards his chest and reply back.. 'I went to the bar to relieve some stress.. And ended up drunk.. I don't know how Bible managed to found me and took me back to his house.. I left his house early in the morning and slept in your room.. Because.. I know.. If I didn't show up.. You will be nagging at me.. 'Nattawin pout while looking at Apo.. Apo rise his eyebrows with a confuse expression and ask..' Is there something wrong hmm?'Nattawin hug Apo and say..' I really miss you Apo.. Please do not dissappear out of my sight.. 'Apo chuckle and stroke Nattawin's head gently and say..' Natta.. Listen to me na krub.. We are twins.. Our connection are really strong.. More than you think.. Whenever I see you in pain.. I will feel it too.. I hate to see you got bully by those bastard.. You can't rely on me everytime.. Sometimes..I can't be there to protect you.. But now.. You already found someone to protect you.. And I believe in that man.. 'Nattawin sulk and look away.. Apo cupping his twin brother face and say..' You must be brave Natta.. So that you wont get bully again and again.. Right now.. We should take a shower.. Or else...we gonna be late to school.. 'Apo then get out from Nattawin' s room and walk towards his room to shower... Meanwhile.. Nattawin start to feel a tears rolling down on his cheeks and say.. 'I don't need anyone else to protect me.. Only you is enough Apo..' Nattawin wipe his tears and take a shower as well..

At Bible house..

Bible pov..

Bible wake up and see a note on the small table.. Bible take it and read it... 'Im sorry for not waking you up Bible.. Thank you for allow me to spend the night with you.. I truly appreciate it.. And.. Im sorry for burden you.. I will see you at schoo'.. - Apo..Bible sigh slowly and throw the letter into the trash bin and take a shower...

After 10 minutes later..

Bible go downstairs and see Thong and Becky are having their breakfast.. Bible walk straight towards the front door and wear his shoes.. Thong then noticed his younger brother odd behaviour and ask.. 'Bible.. Aren't you eating with us?' Bible then reply back from the front door.. 'I will eat at school later.. Im not very hungry for now.. I will see you both at school later.. Don't forget to lock the door and gate..' Bible get into his car and drive away to school.. Becky then say.. 'Phi Thong kha.. I feel that phi Bible are sad because Phi Apo left him..'Thong sigh slowly and reply back..' Well.. I have a same thought as well my little princess.. It seems you already finish eating.. Lets clean up and go to school alright? 'Becky smile at her older brother and clean up... Thong then help to clean the table while Becky is washing the plate.. Thong walk towards Becky and ask..' Chauying.. Are you done? We need to go now.. 'Becky nod in respond then wear her shoes.. Thong then lock the door and get into the car with Becky then drive away to school..

At school..

Apo pov..

Apo finally arrive at school and see his friends are talking.. Job quickly hug Apo and ask..' Well.. how are you doing buddy? Whats up with that face huh?' Pong then reply back.. 'If you have any problem.. You can share with us.. Maybe we can help you..' Apo then see Bible just arrive and decide to talk to him.. Apo look at his best friends and say.. 'Guys.. I need to talk to Bible.. You guys go first na krub...' Pong and Job nod then walk towards the class room while Apo stay.. Bible walk towards Apo then ask.. 'Apo? What are you doing here? Job and Pong already go to class.. We should go to class as well..' Apo smile at Bible then ask .. 'Ermm.. Are you free for today? I would like to ask you to join a dinner with me at western restaurant.. How does is sound?' Bible kiss Apo's cheek gently and hold Apo's hand then go to class..

In the other class..

Nattawin pov..

Nattawin suddenly feel stomach ache.. Mr Mew then look at Nattawin and ask..'Nattawin? Are you ok?' Nattawin then reply back.. 'Im sorry sir.. But I really need to go to bathroom.. Its urgent....' Mew nod and allow Nattawin to leave.. Mile give a signal to JJ and both of them sneak out through the back door and go to the bathroom as well.. Nodt turn around and see Mile and JJ also gone.. Nodt start to lose focus and sneak out as well..

In the bathroom..

Nattawin who is done.. About to go out.. Suddenly got stop by Mile and JJ..Nattawin feel shock then ask.. 'W.. What are you both doing here?'Mile smirk evilly and start to touch Nattawin' s private area.. JJ start to kiss Nattawin's neck.. Nattawin kick both of them and about to escape but fail.. Mile pull Nattawin's hair and push him near the wall and start to kiss him roughly.. Nattawin struggle between the kiss.. Jeff who is just about to use the bathroom feel shock as he see Nattawin got molested then punch Mile and JJ.. Nodt look at them with anger and ask.. 'What the hell is wrong with you both huh?!' Jeff is about to punch them again but got stop by the guard.. Mile and JJ quickly run away while Nodt help Nattawin to get up.. Nattawin cry silently and say.. 'P.. Please.. Leave me alone..' Jeff shake his head and say.. 'No.. Im not gonna leave you here.. Lets go..' Suddenly.. The bell ring.. Nodt then say.. 'Its lunch time.. Lets go to the canteen.. Jeff hold Nattawin's shoulder and take him out from the bathroom and walk to the canteen follow up by Nodt..

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