Chapter 23

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In other ward..

Apo pov..

Apo is sleeping peacefully on the bed.. Naptvik then look at Apo with a worry expression.. Suddenly.. Bible come towards Naptvik then ask.. 'How is my lover?' Naptvik then reply back.. 'He is fine.. He just have small injury.. Nothing to be worry about.. How is Nattawin?' Bible pull the chair to sit beside Apo while his hands stroke Apo's head gently and say. 'Nattawin is sleeping right now.. Thank you for helping Apo just now..' Naptvik nod and reply back.. 'I will go home now..' Naptvik then give a short glance to Apo then leave.. Bible take Apo's hand and kiss it gently and say.. 'My love..please forgive me.. I fail to protect you..' Bible kiss Apo's forehead gently and say.. 'I need to go and check on Nattawin.. I will come back to you.. Sleep well sweetheart..' Bible then leave Apo's ward and go back to Nattawin's ward...Bible then see the doctor is checking on Nattawin and ask.. 'How is Apo doctor?' The doctor then reply back.. 'Apo is fine and he is resting..and about the guy who have a similar face with Apo.. Is that really Nattawin?' Because I never see Nattawin react like that before.. 'Bible sigh heavily and reply back..' Please leave if you are done with your job here.. 'The doctor nod and leave Nattawin' s ward and start to feel weird..

In Nattawin's dream..

Nattawin pov..

Nattawin is walking at the garden that filled of red and white roses.. Nattawin smile then smell the roses.. Suddenly Apo come towards Nattawin and hug him from behind and say.. 'Hello Nattawin..' Nattawin frown and ask.. 'Who.. Who are you? Why you calling me as Nattawin? My name is Apo.. Apo Wattanangitiphat...and why our face is look very similar..?' Apo hold Nattawin's hand and bring it his chest while Apo's hand on Nattawin's chest.. Apo then ask.. 'Now.. Can you feel that?' Nattawin nod slowly while looking at Apo.. Apo then ask.. 'When Im gone missing.. how do you feel?' Nattawin then reply back.. 'Erm.. Uhh.. I.. I feel like that was a part of me went missing too.. I feel a pain.. I feel a pain when Mae told me that Nattawin is missing..' Apo kiss Nattawin's forehead and say.. 'Nattawin.. Please listen to me.. The one who lost the memories is you.. Not me.. Im the one who saved you from committed suicide in Huahin.. You got molested by Mile and JJ.. Then you ran away then commited suicide... Its ok if you can't remember now Nattawin.. But.. always remember.. You must fight for your self.. The most important thing is.. You aren't alone.. Because... I will always in here.. 'Apo point towards Nattawin's chest.. Apo is about to leave but stop as he see Nattawin' s arms around him and say.. Apo? You are Apo.. am I right? You are my twin brother! 'Apo quickly turn around and look at Nattawin with a tears in his eyes.. Apo nod and say..'Yes Nattawin.. This is me.. Apo Wattanangitiphat and Im your twin brother..' Nattawin cry and hug Apo tightly and sobbing.. Apo cry as well then kiss Nattawin's lips softly and say.. 'Finally.. You remember me..' Nattawin then pull Apo to sit down with him and ask.. 'Why you used my name Apo? What is happening?' Apo stroke Nattawin's head gently and say.. 'Im doing this in order to protect you.. Please believe in me my love.. I know what am I doing..' Nattawin put his head on Apo's lap and look at him with a soft smile..'Apo stroke his head and speak in his heart..' Even if I have to sacrifice my life for you Nattawin.. I will still doing it.. Because you are my soul.. I can't even live without you.. You are everything to me in this world.. If anything happen to me.. Please take care of your self na.. My beloved Nattawin..'Nattawin touch Apo but feel nothing.. Nattawin get up and notice Apo is gone again.. Nattawin cry and yell.. Apo! Apo! Where are you?! Please come back to me! Apo!'..

*Dream end*

Nattawin open his eyes and see Bible is sleeping... Nattawin then shake Bible's shoulder gently and say..' Bible.. Please wake up now.. And.. Please take me to Nattawin's ward... 'Bible wake up and look at Nattawin then nod his head..Bible help Nattawin to get up and take him to Apo' s ward.. Bible then help Nattawin to sit down and say.. 'I will go down to buy something to eat..' Nattawin nod and allow Bible to leave... Nattawin then say.. 'Please wake up..Apo..please wake up.. Im right here now..' Apo then open his eyes slowly and see his brother and ask.. 'Nattawin?' Nattawin then smile at his twin and say.. 'Yes.. Its me.. Nattawin...' Apo feel shock and about to get up but got stop by Nattawin immediately.. Nattawin then say.. 'Po.. Please.. stay still..' Apo then ask.. 'How? How can you remember me?' Nattawin hold Apo's hand gently and say... 'I saw you in my dreams... That dreams make me remember everything..' Apo kiss Nattawin's lips softly and hug him then say.. 'Don't worry Nattawin... Lets stay in this kind of position... We will keep pretending until I manage to send Mile and JJ to the police..' Nattawin stroke Apo's lips softly and kiss him deeply... Apo smile between the kiss and ask.. 'Shall we escape from here Nattawin?' Nattawin then ask.. 'But how? Im still sick..' Suddenly Bible return to Apo's ward and see Apo is already awake.. Bible quickly put the food away and ask.. 'Nattawin? You are awake!' Apo smile and hug Bible.. Bible then kiss Apo's forehead and say.. 'I was really worried about you Nattawin!' Nattawin smile a little while looking at Apo.. Nattawin then say.. 'Bible.. Nattawin.. Im sorry but.. I must go back to my ward na krub..' Nattawin then smile at Apo then leave.. Apo then say.. 'Bible.. I already made a decision.. Nattawin and I will escape from here...' Bible feel shock and ask.. 'But why Po?' Apo then say.. 'I must protect Nattawin.. Its seems.. Nattawin already regain his memory back..' Bible feel shock once again and ask 'How..?' Do you need any help?'Apo then reply back..' Please pay for the bill.. Once I have enough money.. I will pay you back sweetheart... We will sleep at the motel.. I don't want to burden you with this matter anymore.. Besides, Nattawin and I will go to school.. But we will stay in this position.. Others can't know about this.. Especially Jeff.. Let's the worst over than we will tell everyone the truth.. 'Bible nod and feed Apo..Apo then eat the food until finish then drink a water.. Bible then say..' Once I pay for the bill and leave.. You both must leave as soon as possible.. I will be waiting for you both at the car park.. 'Apo nod and kiss Bible lips softly and allow him to leave..

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