Chapter 35

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Apo pov..

Apo finally arrives at Romsaithong mansion and take out the gun and check the bullets.. Apo endure the pain and get out from his car and walk into Mile's house.. Apo then got surrounded by a group of man that attacked him and Nattawin just now.. Apo then shoot them and go in then yell.. 'Mile! Mr Romsaithong! Come out now your bastard!' Mile and Mr Romsaithong come out and look at Apo.. Mile then ask.. 'What the hell do you want from me Apo? Aah.. I know... Im sure you want to seek a revenge on me, right?' Mr Romsaithong is about to shoot Apo but got shoot by Apo first.. Mile then yell.. 'No! Pa!!' Apo smirk while holding his stomach and say.. 'My bad.. What should I do? My hands is slippery.. Mile then walk towards Apo and punch him until he got fall on the ground..

Suddenly, Bible and Nattawin arrive and burst into Mile's mansion.. Nattawin then yell..' Mile, stop! 'Bible then say..' Nattawin.. go and take Apo out of here! I will handle this bastard!'A group of man with a black suits suddenly appear and start to attack Bible and Nattawin.. Apo then get up slowly and kick Mile and point the gun towards him and say..' Surrender yourself to the police!'Nattawin then see one of Mile man is about to attack Apo from behind.. Bible then punch the other man while Nattawin run towards Apo to protect him.. Mile pull the trigger and shoot Nattawin twice.. Apo feel shock and quickly catch Nattawin in his arms and yell.. 'Nattawin! No.. No.. Please don't leave me alone!Arghh!!!' Bible then take the gun is about to shoot Mile and his people but fail as Bible also got shoot twice.. Apo then scream once again and take his gun and shoot Mile's people one by one...

Jeff pov..

Jeff finally arrives at Wattanangitiphat house and see those house is already surrounded by a police.. Jeff then ask the police and say.. 'Excuse me sir.. What's going on here?!' The police look at Jeff with a sad expression and say.. 'Mrs Nampheung and Mr Karn already dead.. They both got shoot and got stabbed.. The neighbours told me that.. this family got attacked by a group of man with the black suits.. Jeff suddenly have a bad feelings and see JJ' s car stop in front of Wattanangitiphat house.. JJ then yell from inside of his car.. 'Jeff! Get in! We must go to Mile' s house.. Apo's life is in danger! Ask the police to come as well! The police then say.. 'You both go first.. We will follow up from behind..' JJ then drive away to Mile's house..

Apo start to feel weak and try to fight but fail... Apo look at Bible and Nattawin and say with anger.. 'I will kill you Mile...' Apo then get up and continue fighting with Mile.. Mile punch and kick Apo's stomach and make Apo fall on the ground again.. Apo yell in pain and hold his stomach while pointing the gun towards Mile.. Apo then say.. 'Shit! The bullets is out! Mile then point the gun towards Apo's head and say...' You better die Apo! 'Your father is the reason why my father company went to bankrupt!Apo punch Mile's ass and kick the gun away from his hands..

JJ and Jeff arrives at Romsaithong mansion.. Both of them quickly go in and feel shock to see Bible and Nattawin is already being shot to death.. JJ then yell.. 'Enough is enough Mile! You better let Apo go and surrender your self! The police is already on their way here!' Jeff hold Nattawin and check his pulse then check on Bible... JJ then say... 'They already gone Jeff..' We arrived too late.. 'Apo tears start to fall out and take Mile's gun and ask..' Is there any last words to say before I shoot you? 'Mile then get up and about to punch Apo.. Apo shoot Mile's stomach twice and push him until he got fall on the ground..

After 10 minutes later..

The police arrives and see Apo,Jeff and JJ... Apo cry and get up and say..' Sir.. Please help me to take my twin brother and Bible to the hospital... They... They already gone...' The police sigh heavily and ask the other polices to take Nattawin and Bible away... Jeff hold Apo then say.. 'Po.. Please.. Please hold on na krub..' Apo start to lose his balance and faint.. Jeff hold Apo in his arms and say.. 'Apo! Apo! Please wake up! Jeff touch their foreheads and say..' Apo.. No.. Please.. Don't.. You can't leave me.. Please hold on.. 'JJ then say.. We must take Apo to the hospital now! Jeff and JJ take Apo to the hospital..Jeff stroke Apo's head and cry in silent... JJ then ask..' Jeff.. I thought you are in love with Nattawin..'Jeff then say..' I thought about that first.. But when I saw Apo was laying on the ground that day.... I feel pain.. I couldn't even describe how painful it was.. But all I feel.. Is a pain.. I already lost Nattawin..I can't lost Apo too JJ.. 'JJ then say..' We must tell Phi Thong about this matter.. He must know Jeff.. 'Jeff nod and take out his phone and call Thong then say..' Hello Phi Thong.. Please bring Becky to the hospital right now.. Its urgent.. I will tell you everything once you arrives.. 'Before Thong could answer back..' Jeff hung up his phone and turn his gaze towards Apo and kiss his forehead gently and say.. 'Po.. Please.. Please hold on na krub.. Hold on for me..'

After 15 minutes later..

JJ and Jeff arrives at the hospital and notice the police car.. JJ then say.. 'They already here Jeff.. Come on..' Jeff nod slowly and get out from JJ's car.. JJ and Jeff help to carry Apo and go into the hospital.. Not long after that,Thong and Becky also arrives and quickly go inside and see JJ and Jeff.. Thong then noticed Jeff is crying and being comfort by JJ... JJ then say.. 'Sir.. Im sorry if I have to say this.. but.. Bible and Nattawin already dead..' Thong then sit on the floor and start sobbing.. Becky hug Thong and say.. 'Shh.. Shhh.. Its OK na kha phi..' The doctor then approach Thong and say.. 'Mr Thong.. Please come with me..' Thong nod and hold Becky hands and follow the doctor.. 'JJ then noticed Nodt, Pong, Job, Bas and Gulf rush towards them.. Nodt then ask..' For God's sake Jeff.. What happen?! 'JJ then reply back..' Apo is still inside.. Bible and Nattawin already dead.. They both got shot by Mile and his people's.. 'The boys are silent... Suddenly.. The doctor come out and say..' I need to talk to Mr Apo's relatives.. 'Jeff then walk towards the doctor and say..' Im not his relatives but I'm his boyfriend.. What's the matter?'The doctor then reply back..' Right now.. Mr Apo's condition still can be save.. He must get a lot of rest.. And.. about Mr Bible and Mr Nattawin.. Im truly sorry.. They can't be save.. Please excuse me.. 'The doctor then bow and leave.. Jeff wipe his tears roughly and say..' The rest of you.. prepare for a funeral.. Mr Karn and Mrs Nampheung also dead... 'Nodt and others were speechless for a few minutes.. JJ then say..' Even though Im not a good person.. Please allow me to help as well.. 'The others nod at him and leave to prepare for the funeral meanwhile Jeff decides to stay..

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