Chapter 33

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After 2 hours later..

The doctor then come out and ask.. 'Who is Apo Wattanangitiphat family?' Nattawin.. Nampheung and Karn then approach towards the doctor then look at him.. Nattawin then ask.. 'H.. How is my twin brother?' The doctor then reply back..'Apo's condition is very concerning.. Im afraid Apo won't be able to last longer.. Those wounds already damaged his internal organ.. I will try my best to make him save.. Nattawin cry in silence and say..' I want to see him.. Where is he?! 'Jeff hold Nattawin in his arms as Jeff try to comfort him.. Nattawin push Jeff away and say..' You better leave Jeff.. Pong, Bas, Nodt, Job Thong and nong Becky.. Please leave us.. Pa and Mae also Bible.. Go home all of you! 'Nampheung then say..' Nattawin.. Please.. Don't do this na kha... Apo will be save under doctor observation.. 'The doctor then come out with a few nurse.. Bible heart sink as he see Apo is lying on the bed with an oxygen mask on his face..

Nattawin then ask..' Where are you taking him? 'The doctor then reply back..' I will put him in ward... Only his family members are allow to visit.. The rest of you must go home..please excuse me.. 'The doctor along with 2 nurse continue to push Apo's bed to the ward... Thong then say..' Bible.. We need to go home na krub... We will come here again to visit Apo.. 'Nattawin then reply back..' Don't worry.. I know how to handle my twin brother.. Leave now.. 'Nampheung rub Nattawin's shoulder and follow the doctor with Karn.. While others decide to go home..

Inside Apo's ward...

Nattawin pov...

Nattawin is sitting on the chair beside Apo.. Nampheung stroke Apo's head and say..' Nattawin.. We must go home later na kha.. Apo is such a strong men.. He will get through this..' Nattawin then stroke Apo's head and say.. 'Po... We need to go now.. We will come again tomorrow..' Nattawin kiss Apo's forehead and leave the hospital..Bible sneak into Apo's ward and see Apo is still resting.. Bible then sit beside Apo and hold his hands then kiss it gently and say.. 'Po..Please tell me.. who did this to you? Is it Mile?' Bible stroke Apo's cheek with a tears start to fall out from his eyes.. Bible then say.. 'Should I make a police report sweetheart?' Jeff suddenly come into Apo's ward and walk towards Apo then ask.. 'Bible? I thought you already go home..' Bible frown as he see Jeff then ask.. 'What are you doing here then?'

Jeff clear his throat and reply back.. 'I also want to visit Apo but got kicked out by Nattawin..' Jeff then hold Apo's hand gently and say.. 'Please Po.. Please wake up as soon as possible na... You must seek a revenge on Mile.. I know he is the one who did this to you..' Bible then notice there's a doctor coming in.. Bible and Jeff bow and step aside as the doctor is checking on Apo's condition.. Jeff then ask..' Doctor.. Does Apo have a chance to survive? Please do anything to make him return.. 'Bible then say..' Yes.. Please sir.. We begging you to do everything in your power to make Apo recover.. 'The doctor sigh heavily and say..' Just like I said..Apo's condition is very concerning... His internal organ is already damaged..Apo must stay here for a further treatment.. You both should go home.. Visiting hour is already off'
Bible and Jeff nod then leave the hospital..

At Wattanangitiphat house...

Nattawin pov..

Nattawin is laying on the bed while holding a picture frame of him and Apo.. Nattawin stroke the picture frame then kiss it gently and cry again.. Nampheung and Karn open the door slowly and see Nattawin is crying then walk towards him.. Karn sit beside Nattawin and stroke his head gently and say.. 'Nattawin.. Don't cry sweetheart.. Apo is such a strong man..' Nampheung take the photo frame gently from Nattawin and put it back on the table then reply back.. Pa is right my son.. Your twin brother is very strong and brave.. There's nothing that we could do other than praying for now na kha..' Karn then say.. 'Its no use if we make a police report... I don't think the police will believe in us..' Nampheung nod in respond then say... 'Our family isn't like Romsaithong family, Nattawin.. If we take a wrong step.. Our fate will be same as Apo..' Nattawin then look at them with an anger and ask.. 'Why Am I still here then?! Apo risk his life for me Mae! If only I know how to take care of my self.. This thing won't be happen to Apo! Right now, Apo condition is critical... If I have a courage to kill Mile and the rest of Romsaithong family, trust me.. I will do it! 'Nattawin then pull the blanket and close his eyes.. Nampheung then give a signal to leave Nattawin all alone and go back to their room.. Nattawin open his eyes again and say..' Po.. I miss you.. I miss your voice.. Please wake na krub.. Please come back to me..' Nattawin then close his eyes and sleep..

In Nattawin's dream...

Nattawin is walking at the beach then stop as he see his twin brother.. Nattawin then call out for Apo and say..' Apo! 'Apo then turn around and smile as he see his twin brother run towards him.. Apo catch Nattawin in his arms and give him a warm tight hug.. Nattawin put his arms around Apo's neck and say..' Po.. I really miss you sweetheart... What are you doing here all alone..?' Apo then take out something from his pocket and show it to his twin brother.. Nattawin then ask... 'A ring?' Apo nod and put the ring on Nattawin's finger and say.. 'Nattawin.. If Im no longer exists in this world.. Please take care of your self na krub.. Please help me to seek a revenge on Romsaithong family.. Our family is able to defeat Romsaithong because.. We also come from a mafia family.. Pa didn't tell you the truth because he didn't want you to be reckless.. One wrong step will ruin everything.. I think.. Its time for me to leave Nattawin... Please live well my twin brother.. my love.. Farewell... 'Apo slowly dissappear through the light...

Drem end..

Nattawin wake up and quickly take a photo frame and hug it tight then say..' No.. Apo.. Please don't leave me alone sweetheart.... Please come back to me.. 'Nattawin feel shock as he hears Apo' s voice echo through the room... The voice then say.. 'Nattawin.. Nattawin my sweetheart..' Nattawin cry again and say.. 'A.. Apo? 'That voice then speak again..' Please live well na krub... Don't cry for me.. Don't cry because of me.. Please stay strong and please take care of our parents.. And.. Please take care of your self too.. Please stay alive for me... 'Suddenly the voice dissappear... Nattawin cry and sobbing and say..' Po... Please.. Please don't leave me sweetheart... 'Nattawin start to feel tired and fall asleep...

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