Chapter 19

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At the hospital (Night)

Apo pov...

Apo open his eyes slowly as he feels someone is stroking his head gently.. Apo then rise up his head and smile as he see Bible is standing in front of him with a food.. Apo then ask.. 'What is this sweetheart?' Bible kiss Apo's lips softly and say.. 'I made a fried rice for you.. Eat it while its still warm..' Bible then twist the water bottle cap for Apo and put it on the table.. Apo then take a spoon and eat it slowly.. Bible then fix Nattawin's blanket and ask.. 'How come Mile and JJ were here?' Apo shake his head and answers back.. 'I don't know too sweetheart.. Im afraid Nattawin's life will be in danger..' Apo continue to eat until finish then drink a water.. Nattawin then open his eyes and look at them.. Apo smile at him and say.. 'Hey there sweetheart..' Nattawin then hold Apo's hands tightly and look at him with a full of love.. Bible then take out the pen and write something on the piece of paper and accidentally drop it.. Bible then say.. Apo and Nattawin, I need to go now..And I hope that Apo will be recover soon.. Bible then kiss Nattawin's forehead and stroke his head gently then the ward...Apo then see the piece of paper that Bible accidentally dropped on the floor just now and pick it up.. Apo then read it silently.. 'You and Nattawin need to go to school.. But.. You must let Nattawin to stay in your class.. And you will stay in Nattawin' s class.. This is the only way for you to seek a revenge on Mile.. You must be careful with everything you do, Apo.. Or else.. Nattawin will be in danger.. His life is depend on you.. Me, Job and Pong will help you to look after Nattawin.. All you need to do is just focus on JJ and Mile.. About Jeff.. One fine day.. He will be notice about this too.. No need to say anything to him.. - Bible '..

Apo then fold the paper then keep it inside of his pocket.. Nattawin frown then ask..' What is that just now hmm'?Apo stroke Nattawin's forehead and smile softly.. Apo kiss Nattawin's lips softly and touch their foreheads and smile at each other... Nattawin stroke Apo's cheek gently and ask.. 'How I can be like you Nattawin?' Apo frown and ask back.. 'Huh? What do you mean hmm?' Nattawin then say.. 'Those 2 man faces look very similar to me... I feel afraid  when I saw them just now... Mae said that I was a brave and caring.. Please teach me how to be like you Nattawin..' Apo then say.. 'No need Po.. I promise.. I will protect you..' Suddenly.. There's a door open.. Apo then see a doctor come in with the nurse and Gulf..Gulf walk towards Nattawin and ask.. 'Hey bestie.. How are you doing hmm?' Nattawin then ask.. 'Bestie?Do I know you?'Gulf nod and say..' Doctor.. Please help to check on Nattawin's condition.. Nattawin then say.. 'Im not Nattawin but Im Apo! Nattawin.. Please tell this person that Im Apo..' Nattawin hold his head as he started to feel a sharp pain through his head.. The nurse quickly give a medicine to Nattawin and help him to eat the medicine.. The doctor then say..'Apo must rest.... But he must stay here until tomorrow for a further medical checkup.. I need to go now.. Good night' Apo and Gulf bow their heads and turn their gaze at Nattawin..

Gulf then say.. 'Po.. Lets go out for a while.. We need to talk..' Apo nod and walk towards the nurse and say.. 'Nurse.. Please help me to look after my twin brother.. I have something to discuss with my friend..' The nurse then smile and nod at Apo and Gulf.. Both of them leave the hospital and go to the restaurant near by.. Both of them are silent in the car.. Gulf then ask..' Po.. Is there something wrong? What happened hmm? 'Apo look at Gulf and reply back..' Its nothing Gulf.. Don't worry.. 'Gulf scoff and reply back..' Come on Apo.. Please tell me.. Or.. I will kiss you to make you tell me the truth.. 'Apo chuckle at Gulf and say..' Wow.. A kiss huh?You are so bold Gulf Kanawut.. 'Gulf smirk at him and reply back..' Don't test me too much Wattanangitiphat.. 'After 10 minutes of driving.. Gulf and Apo stop at the restaurant.. Both of them get out from the car and go into the restaurant.. Gulf then pull Apo to sit near the window.. Gulf then sit beside Apo and call the waiter to order the food... Apo then say.. 'Please give me a tom yum fried rice and orange juice.. Gulf then say..' Please give me a fried rice with a fried chicken and apple juice.. Thank you so much na krub'
The waiter then nod and leave them.. Gulf then look at Apo deeply while Gulf hands start to stroke Apo's arms gently kiss his cheek.. Apo smile at him and take out the paper that Bible gave to him and show it to Gulf then say.. 'Read it by your own Kanawut..'
Gulf's hand still stroking Apo's arms while reading the note and ask 'So this is it? This is the plan? Are you sure you want to do this hmm?' Apo look at Gulf and nod.. Gulf still stroking Apo's arms while looking at him.. Apo chuckle and ask 'Is there anything on my face Gulf?' Gulf stroke Apo's arms gently and kiss his lips softly and say.. 'I want to spend my time with you.. Let's stay at my condo..' Apo frown and ask back.. 'Gulf... Since when you like me?' Gulf smile at Apo and reply back.. 'Well.. Since we were having a conversation in the library...I feel calm when Im with you.. To be honest.. I always consider Bible and Jeff as my friends.. But not you Apo.. I want to help you this time..' Apo chuckle and ask.. Is it ok if I stay with you for tonight? What about Nattawin? Im really worry about him..' Gulf kiss Apo's lips softly again and say... 'Don't worry about him too much Apo.. He is safe for now..'Gulf quickly let go of Apo as he see the waiter come back with their food and drink.. Gulf then say..' Please give me a bottle of red wine.. And whisper to the waiter.. 'Please give a red wine with a strong alcohol..' The waiter nod and leave again.. Both of them start to eat together.. Gulf wipe Apo's mouth by using his thumbs and feed his food to Apo... Apo is about to eat again but feel shock as he see Bible appear out of nowhere and punch Gulf.. Gulf fall on the floor while looking at Bible with anger.. Bible then yell.. 'What the fuck have you done Kanawut?!' Apo hug Bible then say.. 'Bible enough! Please stop this now!' Bible shot a glare at Apo then reply back with a stern voice.. 'Get the hell out of here Apo.. Let me settle with this brat!' Gulf then say.. 'I love Apo more than you do Bible.. Im willing to help him with anything.. And I know him more than you do.. Because.. We've been friends since we were kids.. The older we got... We saperate because we study in different class.. This is why I hate to see you get close to Apo.. You don't deserve him! 'Bible choke Gulf and say..' I don't give a damn about it.. The most important thing is.. Apo is in love with me.. Not you.. Fucking bastard! You better stay away from my lover or I will tell this to Davikah! 'Bible push Gulf and grab Apo' s hand then leave the restaurant..

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