Chapter 1: A Big Fan

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Main Summary

A collection of Side Stories, Bonus Chapters, What If's and other random stuff that I couldn't fit into Odd Beast World. Or I could – later. BEWARE of possible spoilers and info that might get cut out of the main story. These are NOT part of the main story unless I actually add it on. 

Chapter 1 Summary

It was one thing to find yourself in a cringy fictional world - It was another to find out that 009 herself was a fictional being to a person from a similar but different Earth. A fan from our (real) world gets isekai'd into one of her favourite Beauty and the Beasts fanfiction - Odd Beast World. Looks like 009 has a fan. 


* This is just a place where I dump possible ideas about my Odd Beast World story. Don't take it too seriously & just have fun reading as I did writing this.

* Let me know what you think of some these ideas and what kinds of things would you like to see in Odd Beast World.

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty & the Beasts or any of the Beast World webcomics/novels. 


This is NOT how the story goes.

Emma, after being brought to the village at the same time as Bai Qingqing, could only stare dumbfound as Harvey handed over some kind of healing paste over to Parker and Bai.

They both looked like a mess.

Didn't Curtis kidnap Bai? Why would he attack her? Why did he leave her behind? This is NOT how it goes in the Beauty and the Beasts original storyline!

Observing at how professional and polite Harvey was with Bai, Emma felt even more confused. Didn't he love Bai? He looks like he can't wait for both of them to leave.

Emma had just been waiting outside of Walmart for her friend when her surroundings suddenly shifted and she found herself in some random forest. Bai Qingqing had then suddenly appeared with a pack of hungry wolves after her and they both remained up on the trees until Parker arrived. The story had stayed the same until now. She herself had no impact besides having some of the beastmen fawn over her as well. Having no place to go, she had impulsively agreed to stay with the first beastman that had offered her aid. An over eager but kind leopard beastman named Dale.

Her days were spent getting to know some of the village females like Eve and keeping the Hell away from others like Bai Qingqing or Eudora. Those two were just walking headaches.

While Emma had loved Beauty and the Beasts, she had no love for the female lead. Bai was so annoying. Both in the comic and in person.

These changes in the plot began to feel familiar to her. Especially after Muir arrived way earlier than he was supposed to and had no interest in Bai. To be fair, he wasn't interested in her at the start in the original story too.

Curtis leaving Bai and attacking her? An uninterested Harvey? These details may sound too vague to anyone else but Emma was 80% sure was isekai'd into a fanfiction of Beauty and the Beasts.

What was it called? Odd Beast World! I only found it by accident when I was scrolling through for some decent Beauty and the Beasts fics. Holy shit! Does that mean 009 is real?! Is she already here?! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!

Holy shit. This....changes everything.

Her original plan to survive here was just adapt to the customs here better than Bai did and treat all her mates fairly. After watching Bai fuck up so much in the comic, Emma had little desire to cling to her modern dating ways and pushed her lack of comfort to the side. Comfort later, survive now.

But with 009 here, Emma feels lighter, like she just lost weight.

This changes everything! With Bai's dumbass here I thought I'd have to face all this alone. Whatever Mary Sue magic shit she had in the comic didn't work here. So no detailed modern inventions or ideas from the "Beauty Queen". I remember that the author of Odd Beast World took that part about Bai away since it made no sense for some random 16-year-old Chinese girl to be so smart. At least 009 made sense! She was born with her powers and trained like Hell to become so OP. Even the other Lab experiments were the same.

Emma fought down a laugh that. Bai Qingqing was really hated in the fandom with only a few sympathising with her. The author of Odd Beast World was mostly neutral and just made Bai a normal 16-year-old girl. Not some kind of genius with Google in her brain.

Emma brought her thoughts back to 009. With her here, she wouldn't have to go to the City of Beasts and risk meeting that creepy Ape King. There was also the fact that it'd be destroyed at some point in the future, during the natural disasters. While she felt sorry for the people there, she shook it off after remembering how they became a mob who blamed Bai for everything. All because of the Ape King.

Fuck that. Fuck them. Why should she help out strangers who would sooner turn on her like they did Bai?

009 was basically a God here. Didn't they eventually call her that? The Spring Goddess. It's kind of funny since she hates being compared to Persephone. Back to my point - I need 009. As much as I want to deny it, I gotta admit that I can't live in a world like this forever. It's too dangerous, primitive and fucking gross. Especially the lack of toilets. God, I miss toilets. And shoes! How the fuck did Bai keep walking around with bare feet? Probably with her Mary Sue magic bullshit.

With 009, the things she could do made sense. The woman trained her ass off with the tenacity of Goku to become what she was now. Emma remembered that she hated being the weakest back when they were all stuck in the Lab. This was one of her major drives to becoming powerful.

If 009 walked around with no shoes it was because her Biokinesis would instantly heal her and because direct skin contact with the ground let her sense things better.

If 009 created modern inventions or made detailed plans for better living, it was because she had great memory. All the Lab experiments had a higher-level IQ and remembered stuff better than the average human. Plus, 009 had no choice but to have great memorisation skills since her Biokinesis made her knowledgeable about living beings. Things like remembering organs, bones, muscles, blood types, diseases, vaccines, poisons, plant biology, cells, bacteria and other stuff Emma couldn't wrap her head around. The only things 009 didn't remember were things she deemed not important or pointless.

Emma's brain already hurt with how 009 could remember all those things. Biokinesis is one of the best powers to have, especially for survival, but she knew she wouldn't have the same talent with it like 009 did. Oh, she'd have the power. But the skill and dedication? Nope. That was just too much work for her. How did 009 deal with it? She'd never know. Freaking nerves of steel.

But back to the matter at hand - Emma needed to find 009.

The safest and best possible place in this world right now would be by her side. She knew 009 would be rightfully suspicious of her and wary about being used like a tool, but Emma felt confident enough to sway her.


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