Chapter 2: Seeing the Future Part 1

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Chapter 2 Summary

The original characters of Beauty and the Beasts suddenly find themselves in a strange room with an odd, clear screen that can show them possible futures. 

Characters react to Odd Beast World right after viewing Bai Qingqing's original story. Set before the original story begins. Contains Bai Qingqing Bashing.


* Inspired by @rikaaa54

* I did this for shits and giggles

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty & the Beasts or any of the Beast World webcomics/novels.


"THAT's my future?! THAT?! NO! I REFUSE!"

"She used me!"

"My daughter! She left behind my daughter!"

"I can't believe I wanted to be her mate!"

"I'm so happy I didn't mate with her!"

"Guess the Ape King was kind of right about her."

"What a selfish female!"

Raised voices bounced around the walls of the large, comfy room. There were no windows or exits visible. Large bean bags, cushions and blankets were spread across the floor where a group of people sat in front of a large screen.

Curtis, Harvey, Winston, Parker, Muir, Shuu, Leopard Queen, Leopard King, Eve (plus her mates and cubs), Bluepool, Alva and Mitchell were sat facing the now blank screen after it had shown them the future. A horrible future. And it was all because of that selfish female Bai Qingqing!

Needless to say, that everyone was far from happy.

Eve stared blankly at a wall, her mates comforting her while petting her cub on her lap. How could Bai Qingqing be so heartless? After offering her friendship, she still thought of Eve and the other village females as hideous. Bai Qingqing clearly saw herself above others. And I thought Eudora was bad. The only one hideous is her, at least on the inside. I can't believe I thought Bai was my friend.

Curtis was hissing ferociously, his tail lashing out on a nearby wall knowing that it would never break due to the strange magic in this place. He had mated with that?! That selfish and stupid female?! Why? Surely, he wasn't that desperate in the future? Bai Qingqing was clearly not the right mate for him! His future-self must be an idiot. He'd lost his mind. That's the only explanation possible. I wasted my life away for that stupid female! No! I won't let that happen! I refuse! I REFUSE!

Parker stared at the ground, back hunching over slightly with a depressed look on his face. She never wanted me, did she? I loved her and she only loved the snake. Why? Am I that bad as a mate?

Winston avoided looking at anyone, feeling ashamed at what he'd seen of his future-self. First, he stupidly fell in love with a selfish female, then he raped her to become mates. The Beast God was truly a benevolent being by showing this horrible future to them. This way, he'd avoid that female like his life depended on it (which it literally did). My precious daughter! I can't believe I just left her behind. All because of Bai Qingqing. Did she even care about our daughter? Did she care about me?

Muir wanted to crawl into a hole and die. What was his future-self thinking? What had he become? All for a selfish, disgusting female? He was a proud member of the elite guard in the City of Beasts! How could he be reduced to this lovesick, possessive fool in the future?! The female didn't even want him! He was absolutely disgusted by his future-self. He vowed to avoid this future, even if it meant his death.

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