Chapter 10: Second Chance - Little Snake

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Chapter 10 Summary

Like his elder sister, he too has memories of a different life in his head. No wonder Dany almost never mentions anything about it - It was fucking horrible. 

Crybaby Bai Qingqing was his mother? His father hating him?! His father killed him?! What kind of shitty, messed up life was this? Did it count as a life if he didn't even live that long?

He still couldn't get over the fact that freaking Bai Qingqing of all people was a mother in that life - his mother! EW! Abort thought! Abort thought!

Nope! He's gonna pretend his first life didn't happen. He has one mother - and it's definitely not that pathetic excuse for a female.  


* I don't really remember what happened to Little Snake (Bai & Curtis's son) in the comic. I tried re-reading the story but my eyes started bleeding whenever Bai showed up & couldn't continue. So, Little Snake was killed by Curtis since he tried to mate with Bai in his first life. I don't know if that's what happened but it's canon in my story. 

* This is set in a possible future of Odd Beast World. 

* Just like Anan - Little Snake has been reincarnated as 009 & Curtis's son in my story. 

* Can anyone guess what 009 would name Little Snake? It's not a hard guess since you guys know she loves Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. 

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty & the Beasts or any of the Beast World webcomics/novels.


Like his elder sister (Dany), he too, was plagued by memories of a horrific past life. They usually woke him up at night - just like now. 

Gasping, he sat up on his bed, sweat on his brow and heart beating loudly. He ran a hand through his blonde hair, trying to calm down. 

His father hated him?! His father?! King Curtis?! What blasphemy was this?!

And he didn't even want to think about freaking Bai Qingqing as his mother! Crybaby Bai?! 

Hell no!

Dad mated with that?! I wanted to mate with that?! EW! EW! EW! Abort! Abort! Abort! Don't think about it! Don't think about it! It's not real! Bad thoughts!

A cringy memory of Bai Qingqing and his father together had him practically leaping off his bed and nearly throwing up on his bedroom floor. 

Curling up on his rug, he exhaled and tried to banish the cursed images from his mind. 

Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. It didn't happen. Dad loves me. I only have one Mum and it's definitely not bloody Bai Qingqing!

Getting back into bed, he wondered how Dany dealt with it. Couldn't the Beast God erase these nasty memories when he gave us a second life? His sister would probably say they were allowed to keep their memories due to some philosophic or spiritual bullshit reason, but he just thinks the Beast God was sadistic asshole for doing that. 

And that's how he went back to sleep - mumbling curse words about the Beast God. 


The next day, he woke up late (no surprise there) and headed towards the dining the room where his siblings were already finishing up breakfast. His mother and fathers were nowhere to be seen. Not a surprise. They were probably here before him and he just missed them. 

"Morning..." He mumbled as he shuffled into his seat. 

His short blonde hair was slightly messy, skin paler than usual which emphasised the dark circles under his green eyes. 

"Good morn - Woah! What happened to you?!" exclaimed his elder sister, Avana. Her green eyes observed him with concern and amusement as she paused her eating. Her long red hair was down today. 

"Nothing." He muttered grumpily as he grabbed some food. 

Thank the Beast God his little siblings were already gone. He wouldn't have been able to handle their hyperactive selves or their loud voices right now. 

His other elder sister sat across from, gracefully wiping her mouth with a napkin while her stern red eyes observed the tired expression on his face. 

"Nightmares again, Daemon?" asked Visenya as she put away the napkin. She had their mother's usual stoic expression on her face along with her blonde hair but father's red eyes. 

Visenya was his strict and stern old sister, always the perfect warrior princess. But Daemon knew she was an absolute softy at heart. Like how he could see the concern for him in her eyes right now. 

Daemon shrugged. "It's nothing. I'll be fine, Sen." He didn't want to bother her with his unwanted memories of a shitty past life. 

Visenya gave him a look. She knew he didn't want to talk about it so just nodded and left him be like the considerate older sister she was. 

"You look like a racoon beastman or like someone gave you two black eyes." 

Avana, on the other hand, was a little shit. She was mischievous and loved teasing her siblings. But like Visenya, she loved them all fiercely. Daemon still remembered her breaking a young leopard beastman's nose after she caught the idiot trying to bully him. 

"Thanks, Ava. I didn't notice." He replied sarcastically, giving her a deadpan stare as he sipped his juice. 

"You're welcome!" She beamed at him and even gave him a cheesy thumbs up like she just solved all of life's problems or something. 

Daemon snorted. His mood lifted a little. Ava always knew how to cheer someone up. 

He pushed all thoughts of past memories aside as he sat with his siblings. 

He was not Bai Qingqing's son. His name was not Little Snake! What kind of name was that anyway? Is that really the extent of Bai Qingqing's imagination? The daft female couldn't even name him properly. 

He was now Prince Daemon, son of Queen Nina and King Curtis (along with his other fathers). The Sky Snake - A title he'd gotten after using his shapeshifting powers on his white snake form to add wings, similar to his mother's dragon form. 

While he cursed the Beast God for the nasty past memories, he also praised him for this second chance at life

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While he cursed the Beast God for the nasty past memories, he also praised him for this second chance at life. After all, many would kill to be in his position! 

Who wouldn't want to be the son of the greatest Queen and Kings of all time? 

Daemon was shaken out of his thoughts as one of his brother's walked into the dining room. 

"Morni - Holy shit! What happened to you?" Arthur exclaimed, red eyes wide as he stared at Daemon's incredibly tired face. 

Daemon rolled his eyes and drunk his orange juice. 

Just another day in the life of the Royal Family. 

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