Chapter 7: Team Fire and Blood

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Chapter 7 Summary


009 & 006 get dropped into the Beauty and the Beasts world together. Let's see how a Pyromancer (Fire) and a Biokinetic (Blood) handle the Beast World.

"Will. You. Stop. Setting. Things. On. Fire!" 009 shouted, her foot stomping on the burnt grass where small patches of fire were still not put out.

"Nope." 006 giggled with another fireball in her hand, aiming at a terrified Colossal.

The adventures of a Pyromaniac and her Hermit sister.


* As you can see – NOT a Game of Thrones story

* 006 is the Fire and 009 the Blood – One controls flames and the other blood.

* 006 likes fire – a lot.

* 009 is done with life. Pray for her. She's not dead or dying – just losing her sanity with 006 now here.

* 006's opinions are not mine. Even 009's are not mine. These characters literally became their own people & it's cool but kinda creepy. It feels like they've possessed me or something.

* Includes Bai Qingqing bashing. 

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty & the Beasts or any of the Beast World webcomics/novels. 


"Oh. My. God! 009! We've been isekai'd!"

"Yes. You mentioned that, 006."

"ISEKAI'D! We've been bloody isekai'd!"

"You said that already. I'm not deaf."

"But...But what about the truck?! Where's the magical truck?"

"The magic what now?"

006 waved her off. "Never mind." She sighed as she walked side by side with her sister. "You're such an uncultured swine, sometimes." Crossing her arms, she gave 009 a fake haughty look before breaking out in laughter at her own joke.

009 shook her head, a smile on her face at 006's antics. Annoying or not, she was glad 006 was with her in this strange world.

A while ago, when they got randomly transported here, 009 and 006 had witnessed a bunch of leopards darting through the forest. 006 wanted to get a closer look but 009 had dragged her back and hid. From their hiding place, they watched in disbelief as these leopards transformed into naked men with leopard ears and tails. Some of them covered themselves in loincloths or skirts, but that was about it for clothing.

The sister's shared a look when the name "Parker" was mentioned among the group of the naked men. Both reached the same conclusions but slightly different thoughts on the matter

Fuck. This is that cringy beast world story, isn't it? Time to find a hole to die in.

Oh My God! Oh My God! Oh My God! That's Parker! From 'Beauty and the Beasts'! He's still got two stripes? Is he single? Please be single! No one deserves boring ass Bai Qingqing! I'm gonna steal him!

009 had held 006 back when she wanted to run up and pounce on Parker. Thankfully, the beastmen passed them by without noticing them.

009 wanted to leave the area. Somewhere far away from the main characters and their drama. 006 wanted to stay, explore the world and get a harem of hot guys for herself.

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