Chapter 17: Nope

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Chapter 17 Summary

A more realistic take on how 009 would react on finding herself in Beauty and the Beasts.

Non-Romantic 009! Survivalist 009! 009 wants peace & quiet!

Includes One-Sided Love (Not on 009's end).


* This was originally how 009 was supposed to be in the Beast World before I changed my mind & made her more chill. I suppose that made her asexual. Is that the right word for it?

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty and the Beasts or any of the images.


Being on constant run from the Lab, 009 was used to getting over her natural panicked instincts in dire or strange circumstances.

Like getting randomly transported into a fictional primitive world.

That had never happened before, but 009 quickly squished all uncertainty and shock, focusing only on what she must do now. She could freak out and theorise later, once she's got a secure place.

Like Bai Qingqing, it appeared 009 had been dropped into the same forest, presumably next to Camel Hump Valley, judging by the amount of leopard beastmen in the area and observing them as they hunted (not noticing her due to her powers).

It was obvious where she was after hearing the name "Parker" as the leopard beastmen conversed among themselves before leaving the forest.

009 had instant flashbacks of Parker and his horrid behaviour in the comic. She remembered how terribly he treated Bai Qingqing despite "loving" her. Then again, weren't most beastmen like him?

Besides the rare few - such as Winston - most of the males in this world are female obsessed and their goal in life was to mate and practically become servants for their female.

While Winston wasn't as violent, possessive or stupid as the rest of his fellow beastmen, his self-esteem was so broken that basic kindness from Bai Qingqing was enough to earn his eternal love and loyalty. Even Harvey - the clever healer - loses all common sense once meeting a pretty face.

This, coupled with the oncoming drama that Bai Qingqing will bring and the natural disasters, 009 decides to get far, far, far away from here as possible.

After checking that no one's around, 009 didn't hesitate as her body started morphing, white feathers growing on her skin, ripping off her clothes and proceeded to launch herself into the sky once she'd shapeshifted into the form she needed.

As a giant, white eagle, 009 soared high into the blue sky. The the forest and the nearby leopard village became small dots as she flew upwards.

With her Biokinesis helping her sense living things, she steered away from any flying beastmen before they saw her and flew straight over the ocean, her bright green eyes zeroing in on distant islands.

Islands that appeared completely unoccupied, devoid of beastmen or annoying females.


It had taken a while to get there, but with the Sun's rays directly on her, 009 felt no fatigue, her powers at full capacity from absorbing so much sunlight.

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