Chapter 3: Seeing the Future Part 2

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Chapter 3 Summary

Characters react to Odd Beast World right after viewing Bai Qingqing's original story. Set before the original story begins. Contains Bai Qingqing Bashing.

Characters react to Chapter 1 of Odd Beast World - The Experiment.


* Sorry for taking so long to update! I was sick and had some real life problems which stressed me out. I'm back to writing again so more updates will be popping up on my stories. Enjoy! =]

* This chapter might get edited again since I didn't like some parts of it. Make sure to keep an eye on it so you don't miss the changes (if you're interested). Beware of some mistakes!

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty & the Beasts or any of the Beast World webcomics/novels


Once they all got comfortable, everyone remained seated as moving images began appearing on the large screen again. What was it called? Video? Those humans really make the most interesting things.

Just like with Bai Qingqing's story, the neutral voice appeared again, narrating along as the video continued.

Part 1: The Experiment.

Most of them frowned at that. Experiment? What did that mean? Wasn't this about a female?

Nina Smith hadn't always been Nina Smith.

That wasn't even her real name.

Her real name didn't even feel like her name.

In a kinder world, she would have been born and raised as Carys Jones, beloved daughter of Welsh parents, Catrin and Arthur Jones. Carys would have grown up with loving parents in a small town in Wales with a little sister who would have been born two years after her. They lived close the sea and loved taking trips to the beach.

The Leopard Queen and Eve smiled at the adorable image of the family. The mother gave birth to two daughters? Truly a blessed female.

Bluepool perked up at the mention of the sea. This Wales place looked quite nice.

Curtis, Winston, Muir, Harvey, Mitchell and the Leopard King picked up on the "In a kinder world" part. This was not the happy beginning it appeared to be.

But this is not that world.

Knew it.

In reality, Carys Jones had been kidnapped from her parents by corrupted secret agents from the Lab by the orders of Dr Francesca Hawk. Her parents fought them off as much they could, but were eventually killed.

"How awful! Those monsters!" The Leopard Queen cried, holding an embarrassed Parker closer to her while leaning on her mate.

Eve cuddled her cubs, her mates hugging her in comfort.

Carys Jones was no more.

Now she was 009.

009 had been taken to a secret location in the Isle of Skye where other children had number tattoos on their arms just like her. They also had powers just like her.


And then chaos ensued as outraged and disbelieving shouts/roars were heard all around the room.

"How could they do that to that happy family?" Eve asked, tears in her eyes as she hugged her cubs to her chest, snuggling against her mates.

The Leopard Queen was in a similar state, practically gluing herself to Parker with the Leopard King's arms wrapped around the both of them.

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