Chapter 24: A Reaction of a Reaction

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Chapter 24 Summary

009, 008 and 006 are suddenly transported into a strange room with a large TV screen. A mysterious voice claims to show them possible futures.....

.....and how others were watching 009’s life too.

How does 009 react to this? How do her siblings react? Will 008 strangle 001 when she learns what he did? Will 006 die of laughter?

Who knows?

009 and her sisters react to the Seeing The Future storyline.


* This is NOT canon. I just did it for shits and giggles.

* 009 is saying some stuff while panicked so don't take her too seriously.

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty and the Beasts or any of the Beast World webcomics/novels.


After Watching Odd Beast World & Seeing The Future


As the mysterious TV finally turned itself off, 009 sat frozen in her seat. Not blinking, moving or even breathing! 

She was so still that she could've been mistaken for a statue. 

009’s usual blank face was gone

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009’s usual blank face was gone. Now, she sat there gaping at the TV, mouth open and eyes wide in pure horror. 

She looked like that famous painting - The Scream

A tan hand then waved in front of her shocked face, trying to snap her out of it

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A tan hand then waved in front of her shocked face, trying to snap her out of it. 

"Really, 009?" 008 asked half exasperated, half amused. "So, those beastmen now know about you. It's not that bad! At least it's not the Lab!" She tried being optimistic about this. It could've been worse

009’s wide green eyes flickered over 008, disbelief in her gaze as she tried to say something but all that came out was the sound of a high-pitched dying whale. 

With her voice lost due to shock, 009 just shouted her thoughts out in her mind for 008 to hear.

Not that bad?! NOT THAT BAD?! They know me now! They've SEEN what I can do! They've seen what WE could do! Did you not hear what they were saying?! They all want me for themselves! Even that Leopard Queen is trying to sell off her spawn to me! I don't want to be used, 008! Never again! I'm NOT an object on sale! These are the same guys who liked Bai Qingqing too! Doesn’t that sound fickle as fuck to you?! They just dismissed her like trash because they saw me! Whose to say that they won't do the same to me?! They only want me for my powers! 

While 009 remained frozen in shock on the outside, she was positively screaming on the inside, absolute turmoil in her thoughts. 

008, sensing 009’s incoming panic attack and rising anxiety, placed her arm around her gently, hugging her sideways. 

"Deep breaths, 009." 008 instructed calmly. "You leave them to me." The familiar assurance in her soothing voice helped 009’s anxiety lessen. "Don't worry about it right now. Let big sister handle this." 

008 hugged 009 close, stroking her back soothingly like she used to when they were young. 

As 009 gradually calmed down and started breathing normally again, 008 looked over her shoulder with a stern glare at her youngest sister, 006. 

.....Who was busy laughing her ass off. 


006 was rolling on the floor, snorting mid-laughter sometimes. 

Releasing 009 from their hug, 008 glared at 006 sternly, a disappointed frown on her face. 

"006! Enough! This is no laughing matter! You shoul -"

"You little shit!" 

008 was cut off by 009 who looked like she was back to her regular self again as she launched herself at 006, fists at the ready. 

"OOF! OW! You bitch!" 006 shouted as she backed away after 009 sucker punched her in the face. 

"Shut up and fight me, midget!" 

And then both started a mini wrestling match on the floor, plants and fireballs getting thrown almost everywhere. 

008 sighed, slumping in her seat. 

But 008 couldn't help but smile as she knew that this was 006’s way of cheering up 009 and getting her mind off things. 

Then 008 remembered that smug bastard 001 and how he found 009 in the Beast World but didn't tell them. 

I'm gonna kill that arrogant jackass next time I see him. 

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