Chapter 23: Origins Saga - The Unknown & the Beast God

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Chapter 23 Summary

Do you ever wonder exactly HOW 009 ended up in the Beast World? Or Bai Qingqing?

While the Beast God could easily pluck Bai Qingqing from her world, the same could NOT be said when taking 009 or her siblings.

Bai Qingqing was just a human.

The Lab experiments were NOT.

For him to take 009 to his world, the Beast God had to bargain with a being even higher than him - the Ancient One.

The Beast God has a conversation with the Ancient One.


* This is a small hint on the origins of the Lab experiments.

* The Ancient One has a name but it will be revealed much later. For now, they go by the title of Ancient One.

* The Beast God is like a fetus compared to the Ancient One in terms of age.

* If you haven't already noticed, the Ancient One is an overprotective & possessive being. Even though they allowed the Beast God to do what he wanted to do, they are still keeping an eye on things - Always watching.

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty and the Beasts or any of the Beast World webcomics/novels.


Unknown Time & Place

"So, your little pet project failed and now you wish to take some of my own? My family?" A deep, melodious feminine voice drawled, their tone a mix of amusement and possessiveness.

An awkward cough was then heard. "Yes, yes! I know I should've chosen more wisely before picking Bai Qingqing, BUT it was an honest mistake!" The voice of the Beast God was deep. He sounded as if he was roaring one second, then hissing or cawing the next.

Silence was heard from the other being, but the Beast God could still hear their skepticism and scorn for his failure with Bai Qingqing.

The Beast God threw up hands in exasperation. "Fine! I admit it! I fucked up! There! Are you happy now?"

"Happy?" The other being repeated with a sarcastic chuckle.

They stopped chuckling abruptly and the Beast God felt his fur/feathers stand on end as the other being started speaking menacingly, their voice echoing with a hundred different voices speaking together.

"You think I am happy? FOOL! How can I be happy with your idiotic failure when you wish to steal my descendants away from me?!" They bellowed, absolutely furious.

"I'm sorry!" The Beast God blurted out quickly, tone apologetic and panicked. "But your descendants are the perfect ones for helping my world!" Desperation coloured his tone as he pleaded for the other being to listen. "Your 009 is Life incarnate! Her sisters are the Mind and Fire themselves! And do I really need to explain about your 001? Arrogant though he may be, he is still Power incarnate!"

"Hmph! Well, at least we can agree on that." The other being said in a smug tone, the arrogance practically wafting from their form.

I see where 001 gets it, thought the Beast God, his eye twitching in annoyance and struggling to keep the pleading smile on his face.

Clearing his throat, the Beast God continued. "So....Do I have your permission, Ancient One? To transfer your descendants to my world?"

"Hmm. Very well." The Ancient One replied casually, their tone suddenly light and airy. They agreed easily - a little too easily.

The Beast God perked up, an ecstatic smile beginning to bloom on his face before the Ancient One held up a hand, stopping his early celebration.

"But I have certain...conditions." The Ancient One continued seriously. "I will not have my girls used as broodmares or my boys as toys to be added to some spoiled female's collection." They were telling the Beast God this, not asking him.

Luckily, the Beast God had great survival instincts and quickly agreed.

"And your other conditions?" The Beast God asked wearily. He sounded tired but firm on his decision to go through with this.

The Ancient One smiled. It wasn't a nice smile, not matter how beautiful they were.

The Beast God shuddered, but kept his resolve.

He'd save his world no matter what it takes.

Even if that meant bargaining with an Elder God.

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