Chapter 12: Tiny But Mighty

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Chapter 12 Summary

We all know Dany (previously Anan). Calm, collected and confident Princess Daenerys. 

Now meet the twin. 


* This is set in the possible future of Odd Beast World and is about Dany's (Anan) twin that was mentioned before. She is 009 and Winston's daughter. 

* This character is inspired by the Kdrama Strong Woman Do Bong Soon and @Rodelyn2403 who had written a Beast World story also inspired by that Kdrama. 

* Kyle the tiger guard beastman is Dany and her twin's personal guard (mentioned in Dany's chapter). 

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty and the Beasts or any of the Beast World webcomics/novels. I do not own any of the images. 



She held him by the scruff of his neck, her arm not straining at all despite the leopard male being much bigger than her petite size. 

"YES! Please don't hurt me! I didn't mean it!"

"Didn't mean it?! Do I look dumb to you?! I saw you picking on them!"


"Do you think I was born yesterday?! You disrespectful punk!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" 

"Leave! And I better not catch you doing this shit again! You got it?!"

With that, she dropped him unceremoniously on the ground, her grey eyes glaring sternly at him.  

Sobbing to the point his words became unintelligible, the huge, muscular leopard beastman quickly picked himself up and ran like the demons were after him, screaming all the way through the many orchards in the city park. 

Whimpers were heard and her head snapped towards the noise, glaring at the group of beastmen the leopard had left behind. They stood frozen in place under her stern glare, shaking pathetically as they realised their leader abandoned them. 

She narrowed her eyes at them and placed her hands on her hips, further intimidating this group of tall beastmen who had 2 or 3 stripes on their bodies. Some even pissed themselves.

"Well?" They blinked in confusion at her, still paralysed by fear. She rolled her eyes and scowled at them, baring her teeth. "SCRAM!" She shouted while sharply gesturing with her head for them to leave right this second. 

They didn't need to be told twice and left so fast, they practically teleported away. 

"Tsk! Cowards!" She sneered after them. 

"YAAAAY! Thank you, Boss!" 

Cheers were heard as a group of young cubs, chicks and snakelings surrounded her, happy smiles on their small faces as they cuddled up to her legs. 

"How many times do I have to tell you guys? I'm not your boss." She rolled her eyes but smiled down at them fondly. "But, you're welcome. Those punks won't be bothering you again." She reassured them while petting their heads. 

Before any of the children could say anything, another person approached them. 

She and the children tensed up but relaxed once they saw who it was. 

"Bother? Those poor fools are probably never leaving their homes in fear." Said Kyle, the tiger guard beastman. He gave the children a warm smile before looking at her teasingly. "And what else should they call you since you refuse to let them address you as Princess Diana?" 

"That's so formal, Uncle Kyle!" She scrunched her nose at that. "Just call me Deedee." She shrugged casually. "Everyone does." 

"Everyone in the Royal Family." Kyle gently corrected his charge. "You are a princess and they are merely showing you their respect by addressing you by your title and full name." 

"I know. Sorry, Uncle Kyle." She sighed, but smiled cheekily at the familiar old 'argument'. 

Kyle couldn't help but find it funny how different his two charges were but still similar. Where Dany was the stereotypical elegant princess, Diana was the fierce warrior princess. Though both had unique abilities just like their Queen Mother along with her immense tenacity in anything they put their minds to. They were the Queen's third set of twins - and twin females too! So rare! He remembered the Kings (especially King Winston) being so proud at their birth. Many females were also jealous at his Queen's luck of birthing multiple female cubs. 

While Dany and Diana were twins, Diana was more like her eldest sister - Princess Visenya. Both preferred being warriors than being the usual cuddled and lazy females. Both have a strong sense of justice. Hence this situation today where Diana had dealt with some arrogant, malicious beastmen bullying the little children from one of the many Orphanages his Queen had generously created for those without any family. 

If he wasn't already aware what deplorable actions those foolish beastmen were doing, Kyle might have felt sorry for them. After all, no one wanted to be on the receiving end of Princess Diana's wrath - especially with her Super Strength. It was funny watching newcomers in the kingdom be shocked as the petite princess performed unbelievable feats - such as carrying massive trees like a bunch of twigs. 

The tiger guard beastman shook his head, getting out of his thoughts and turned back to the princess who he now saw was waving goodbye towards the departing children. Such sweet children, he thought fondly. Why would anyone ever feel the need to attack them, he would never know. 

"So," Diana said after turning back towards him with a grin. "I'm guessing you came here for a reason, Uncle Kyle. Is it about the celebrations? Or something else?"

"The upcoming celebrations." Kyle answered as they started walking back towards the castle. "Come, Deedee. It's best not to keep your mother waiting." 

"Ha! You called me Deedee!" She shouted with a gleeful smile. "What happened to calling me 'Princess Diana', huh?" 

"I said no such thing," Kyle denied calmly, inwardly laughing at the dirty look he got from her. "I've always called you Princess Diana. Perhaps we should visit a healer on the way, Princess? You seem to be hearing things." He kept his tone neutrally pleasant but his eyes were full of amusement. 

She spluttered, not expecting the random sass from her tiger guard and a roasting session began between them as they continued walking. 

People on the streets smiled and waved as they passed by, all fond of their Princess Diana - The Strong. 


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